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American Revolution Timeline

  • Signing of The Declaration of Independence

    Signing of The Declaration of Independence
    The signing of this document declared the colonists free from King George and England and aparked the American Revolution.
  • Period: to

    The American Revolution War

  • Battle of Brooklyn

    Battle of Brooklyn
    The Battle of Brooklyn also known as the Battle of Long Island Redcoats was the first real battle between British and American forces. This battle occurred for a few days, it was the first British victory from many other more.
  • Washington crosses the Delaware

    Washington crosses the Delaware
    The whole Army crossed the Delaware River which caused the Famous American Victory called Trenton. Both Armies had a battle that lasted about 45 minutes to an hour. It resulted in 900 hessian prisoners, and then the Americans marched on Princeton and also won there
  • Victory at Princeton

    Victory at Princeton
    George Washington’s great success at Trenton caused the great victory in Princeton. This victory almost drove the British out for good.
  • Americans win Battle of Germantown

    Americans win Battle of Germantown
    It was the second battle between the British and the Americans since the Britain victory of Brandywine. The Britain had camped out in Germantown while the Americans started marching from different directions. Many Britain troops were down, it was a really had decision during the battle but the Americans still won this battle.
  • Camping at Valley Forge

    Camping at Valley Forge
    The winter of 1777, American soldiers occupied in the Pennsylvania encampment. That winter for the American soldiers was pretty harsh; they were short on food, clothing, and supplies. However, the soldiers managed to hang on until the summer of 1778 and the Commander George Washington and Baron Von Steuben who was the Prussian drill sergeant managed to make them tougher and a lot stronger than they were before.
  • Treaty with France

    Treaty with France
    Despite the victory of the Battle of Saratoga, George Washington was still having trouble getting states to send necessary supplies and the right men for the war. The Americans decided to speak to the French to help support the war. The French also wanted revenge on the Britain.
  • The soldiers set out to New Jersey

    The soldiers set out to New Jersey
    After the army set out to New Jersey, they fought the Britain to a stand, 9 days later at the Battle of Monmouth, and both armies would go to fight to become the First Famous Chief Justice of the United States.
  • Articles of Confederation are adopted

    Articles of Confederation are adopted
    The Articles of Confederation were formed to define a new central government for America.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris officially ended to American Revolution War. It recognized the United States of America as an independent nation.
  • British win Battle of Brandywine

    British win Battle of Brandywine
    Troops from General Washington’s army tried to stop the Britain from getting to Philadelphia, Britain had many more troops than the Americans which cause the Britain to overpower the Americans and won the battle.