
American Revolution Timeline

  • French & Indian War (1754 – 1763)

    French & Indian War (1754 – 1763)
    A conflict between the combined forces of the British and colonists versus the French and the Native American allies.
    The war ended after 9 years, with the British being the victors.
  • Townshend Act - 1767

    Townshend Act - 1767
    In 1767, parliament establish a new act called the Townshend act. It was a tax on glass, lead, paint and paper.
  • Boston Massacre - 1770

    Boston Massacre - 1770
    The Boston Massacre consisted of 5 casualties, all colonists. The massacre doesn't have a clear and concise reason why it broke out that is officially confirmed, but what is known is that those on the side of the colonists side we're agitated due to the taxes that were being imposed on them unfairly, and this is most likely the root reason why the event happened.
  • Boston Tea Party - 1773

    Boston Tea Party - 1773
    The Boston Tea Party was a revolt due to the increasing taxes on tea made by American colonists, while the British weren't imposing the same tax on their own product. This resulted in the destroying of 342 chest worth of British tea via them being thrown into the Boston harbor.
  • First Continental Congress meets - 1774

    First Continental Congress meets - 1774
    The first Continental Congress was held in Carpenters' hall, and spanned all the way to October 26th the next month. It was a meeting to discuss America's future under the growing aggression of the British
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord - 1775

    Battles of Lexington and Concord - 1775
    The battles of Lexington and Concord marked the start of the war for independence against Great Britain. The first shot of the battle is also known as "shot heard 'round the world'. "
  • Battle of Bunker Hill - 1775

    Battle of Bunker Hill - 1775
    The battle at bunker hill was a loss but it sent a very clear message. That we could hold our own and would against the British army
  • Olive Branch Petition Sent

    Olive Branch Petition Sent
    The olive branch petition was a proposition for peace by the colonies sent to London. Unfortunately, the petition was not accepted or signed by Britain
  • Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" is published - 1776

    Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" is published - 1776
    Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" was a book that directly contradicted and challenged the authority of the British government. Is was written in plain language so even the common people could understand, and was the first work to openly ask for independence from Great Britain
  • Battle of Trenton - 1776

    Battle of Trenton - 1776
    The battle of Trenton was a battle in which George Washington commanded his soldiers against hessian mercenaries and won. This victory set the stage for a later victory in the following weeks, and also served the purpose of boosting morale
  • Articles of Confederation created - 1777

    Articles of Confederation created - 1777
    The articles of confederation served as the United States' first constitution. In was in effect until March 1st, 1781 when the constitution we use in present day was put in place
  • Battle of Camden - 1780

    Battle of Camden - 1780
    The battle of Camden is known as the worst American defeat at the hand of the British. Via this victory, the British temporarily took control of the southern colonies.
  • Battle of Yorktown - 1781

    Battle of Yorktown - 1781
    The Battle of Yorktown was the deciding battle in the revolutionary war. The battle ended with British General Charles Cornwallis surrendering to General George Washington, effectively decided the war.
  • Treaty of Paris - 1783

    Treaty of Paris - 1783
    The Treaty of Paris is what officially recognized the American revolution and the United States. It was signed by both Great Britain and the American colonies.
  • The Great Compromise - 1787

    The Great Compromise - 1787
    The Great Compromise in short, established the United States legislature as a bicameral. Bicameral meaning that our government was divided into two different branches.