magna carta
Magna Carta, is a charter agreed to by King John of England -
Was the first establish colony in the us and was establish in Virginia. -
Virginia house of burgesses
Was the first elicited legislative. -
mayflower compact
Was the fist selfgovement in the us. It also Created pilgrims. -
Navagation acts
The king said that boats can only sail to Europe for trade. But the colonists still didn't listen. -
stamp act
Tax on ink. Loyalists had to stamp/sign every document slash letter. -
zenger trail
When John Peter Zinger wrote bad about the king. It established the press and the petition part of the 1st amendment. -
Period: to
French and Indian war
Te french and Indian war also known as the 7 year war was against the french and the Colonies. They where fighting over beaver fur. -
end of 7 year war
The colonists won the french and indian war. New boundry is the Mississippi river. -
Proclamation line
The king said that they have to still be behind mountains -
sugar act
King added tax on sugar. No taxation without repesintation came bout -
quartering act
British solders could house anywhere. -
Townsend act
Tax on more stuff such as rice glass and other nacisaties -
tea party
When colonists revolted and dressed as natives and spilled tea into the harbor. -
boston massicare
soldier killed 5 man including crispus the first black man to die revolting. -
intolerable acts
The Intolerable Acts (also called the Coercive Acts) were harsh laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774. -
2nd continental congress
Managed the calonial war effort and declaration of independence -
first cntinintal congress
The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from twelve of the Thirteen Colonies. -
battle of lexinton and concord
Took place in 2 small towns. First battle between england and america -
battle of bunker hill
Battle on bunker hill and other hlls. Took 4 tries. -
common sense
published by and was his first article. Talked about whey not to support king -
article of confedaration
First continental congress -
Battle of seratoga
Turning point of revaluation and there was still hope. -
winter of valley forge
harsh winter Many died. gorge Washington gave hope. American crisis was published because of this harsh winter. -
Battle of seratoga
Turning point of american revolution. French allies. -
Declaration of independence
A document declaring independence. Was sent o king James he 3rd -
Battle of yorktown
The last battle. Surrounded and american won.