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The Battle Of Lexington
On April 18, 1775 during the night word broke out that 700 British troops. The likes of Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott rode out to warn the colonists. As the British were on the march towards Concord, but were stopped short five miles at Lexington, Massachusetts. This conflict lasted only 15 minutes and involving only 70 minutemen(civilian soldiers ready at a minutes notice for battle), and resulted in eight minutemen dead and one British soldier injured. -
The Battle Of Concord
As the British make their way back from Concord to Boston as they were met with a empty arsenal. Between 3,000 to 4,000 minute men had assembled themselves to attack the British troops. Raining fire from behind stone walls, and trees. Dropping the red coats like flies; humiliated and defeated the British returned to Boston, but this victory meant the colonist retook Boston and became official enemies of the British.