minutemen drawn up in lines on the village green and the british commander ordered the minutemen to lay down their arms and leave -
war begin and only lasted 15 minutes only one british solider was injured while alot of minutemen were killed -
bunker hill
general thomas decided to strike at militiamen on breed hill north city and began to mow down the advancing redcoats before retreating -
new york
in the summer of 1776 with a force of about german mercenaries or hired soldiers known as hessians because many of them came from the german region of hesse -
washington risked everything on one bold stroke set at christmas night all the way to delaware river they marched to their objective to trenton that defeated at garrison of hessians in a surprise attack -
american troops finally surrounded burgoyne at saratoga where he surrendered -
valley forge
american troops won the war and offered help to lafayette lobbied for france reinforcements -
marquis de lafayette
led the commend in virgina in the last years of the war with the help of such european military leaders that continental army became effective -
the continental army they raised funds from philadelphia quakers and jews then a continental major wrote in his diary this day will be famous in the annals of history for being the first the troops of the united states -
17,00 french and american troops surrounded the british on the yorktown peninsula and began bombarding them day and night -
treaty of paris
confirmed u.s independence and set the boundaries of the new nation the united states now stretched from the atlantic ocean to the mississippi river and from canada to the florida border