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American Revolution Timeline

  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    England was still in debt from the French and Indian war and some people felt the colonies should help pay. So England put taxes on a lot of goods such as newspapers and other printed products.
  • Protest of Stamp Act

    Protest of Stamp Act
    This was when colonists were ignoring the Stamp act and decided to start and movement and boycott all the British goods. Some merchants even signed a nonimportation agreement pledging that they would not buy any British goods until the parliament repealed the act.
  • Gaspee Affair

    Gaspee Affair
    England sent over ships, one of which was the Gaspee, to monitor goods going through the colonies. Some colonists who refused to pay taxes would try and smuggle goods. They were outraged by the English ships in their harbors so a group of about 150 settlers took over, and burned the Gaspee.
  • Committees of correspondence established

    Committees of correspondence established
    This was verry important in the setting up for the First contenental congress. The committees became the leaders against the Revolution.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a raid run by the colonists. These colonists were very angry with the unfair taxes and decided to dump around 342 chests of tea into the harbor.
  • Coercive Acts

    Coercive Acts
    These acts were made up of 4 new laws that were passed with the intent to punish Massachussetts. They were also passed with the intent to end colonial challanges to British authority.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    This was was not based off of the events in the American colonies but it still angered the colonists. This act, created by the King, stated that the governor and council would run Quebec.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The congress was the first time the colonies acted as one. Now that they created the Grand Council they thoughts of the colonies as a whole would be discussed.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The congress was the first time the colonies acted as one. Now that they created the Grand Council they thoughts of the colonies as a whole would be discussed.
  • Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere's Ride
    Paul Revere was sent to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were marching to Lexington with the intention of arresting them. He also told the church which way they were coming from using lanterns. He had created these signals the prio to that night, as he was afraid that he might be prevented from leaving Boston.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The brave acts of the minutemen in this battle inspired others to take up arms against the British. This was also the beginning of the American Revolution.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    This group was created because some people wanted the right to govern themseleves. They also did not want to break with the British empire,
  • George Washington Appointed General

    George Washington Appointed General
    Representatives from the colonies met in Philadelphia in the Second Continental Congress and decided to resist the British. It was this meeting that George Washington was appointed general.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    During this battle the Americans turned back two British advances and were forced to retreat, only ater they had run out of amo. his battle helped build American confidence.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    This was a document that was sent to the king from the Continental Congress. It stated that the colonists were still loyal to the kind and also asked George the third to call off the nostilities until the situation could be worked out in peace.
  • Proclamation for suppressing rebellion and sedition

    Proclamation for suppressing rebellion and sedition
    This proclamation declared that Rebellion was unacceptable and gave permission to British soldiers to prevent rebellions at all costs. Issued by king George, who also said anyone who knows about plots to rebel should come forward with the information.
  • Common Sense Published

    Common Sense Published
    Thomas Paine wrote “common sense” as a way to challenge England’s power. This was the first document to openly ask for American independence.
  • British Evacuate Boston

    British Evacuate Boston
    The British evacuated Boston because of a bloodless liberation o Boston by the Patriots. This caused British troops and Royalists to leave Boston by ship.
  • Writting of th Declaration of Independance

    Writting of th Declaration of Independance
    This was the begining draft of the document that would get America on the path to independence. Jeffersons ideas needed to be heard and spread among the colonies.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    This documents was a draft of Jefferson’s ideas about Independents. The colonies were breaking away from England and needed their own structural document.
  • British Pulled out ofVirginia

    British Pulled out ofVirginia
    The British decided to pull their soldiers out of Virginia to leave the patriots in contol. The British troops let because the Patriot troops had attacked and defeated the Virginian governor Dunmore's troops near Norolk, Virginia.