Period: to
American Revolution
Battle of Lexington and Concord
This was the Battle know as the shot herd around the world. On the night of April 18,1775, hundreds of British troops marched from Boston to nearby Concord in order to seize an arms coches. Paul Revere and others rider sounded the alarm, and colonail militiamen began mobilizing to intercept the Redcoat column. A confrontation on the Lexingoton town green started off the fighting, and soon the British were hastily retreating under intense fire. -
Capture of Fort Tinconderoga
Second Continrtal Congress meets
The 2nd Continenetal Congress took momentous steps of declaring America's independence form the British. Five years later the Congress ratified the first national constituiton -
Battle of Bunker Hill
George Washington named commander-in-chief
American defeat st Quebec
Pariot forces under Colonel Benedict Arnold and Gernal Richard Montgomery. Attempeted to capture Quebec and to win the support in Canada. The Attack was a fail and Montgomery lost his life in the attack. -
British evacuate Boston
Declaration of Independence issued
Battle of Long Island
British occupy New York City
Battle of Treton
Battle of Brandywine
British initiative in the American Revolution to gain control of Philadelphia which was the seat of the Second Continental Congress. British Gernal William Howe, Embarked his army on transports,and landed them at the northen end of Chesapeake Bay. He advanced northward towar Philadelphia. Howe captured Philadelphia. -
British occupy Philadephia
Battle of Saratoga
Winter at Valley Forge
Alliance with France
Fall of Savannah
Battle of Monmouth Court House