Battle of Lexington and Concord
At the battle there was at least 200-500 militia men waiting for the British to come through Concord. When the British arrived the militia was out numbered and defeated. Then the British moved on to Lexington where there was miltia men waiting for the British. The British was suprised and was defeated and had to fall back. Some inportant people for the Militia were John Parker and some people for the British were Francis Smith. -
Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
A small force of miltia men led by Eathan Allen and Benedict Arnold beat a small amount of troops at Ticonderoga and took everything from it. Important people for the miltia were Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold and important people for the British were William Delaplace. -
Second Continental Congress meets
The Second Continental Congrees tried to gain independence by talking and they soon adopted the Decleration of Independence.Almost the same 56 delegates where at the Second Continental Congress. Also. Georgia didn't send delegates to the Second much like they didn't for the first. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
The Battle of Bunker Hill was up above the city of Boston known as Breeds Hill. Many Colonial troops were set up on the hill under the command of William Prescott. When the British found out they set up ships in the river and fired up on the hill while ground troops moved up on to the hill. Important people for the Colonies were William Prescott and for the British were William Howe. This was a Britsh victory even though they sufferd many loses. -
Battle at Quebec
The Battle at Quebec was a huge loss for the Americans. General Richard Motgomery was killed, Benedict Arnold was injured and 400 men including Danial Morgan were taken prisoner. British forces lost very little men while defending Quebec their leader was Guy Carleton. -
British evacuate Boston
The British troops had to evacuate Boston because George Washington had set up cannons from the south on Dorchester Heights. The British tried to use their ships to fire up on the hill but a bad storm had hit so they were unable to. This gave the Americans time to set up their artlilery. The British relized they could't do anything so they on March 17th they left Boston and sailed to Halifax,Nova Scotia. Important people for the Americans were George Washington. -
British occupy New York
After the British abandoned Boston they decided to move on and take over New York. William Howe was in control of doing this and after he had captured New York he had to move northward of the Hudson river. -
Declaration of Independence issued
The Declaration was written by Thomas Jefferson which was later congress changed it up a litte bit the way they thought it should be. The Declaration of Independence was informed that America was to be its own nation and that it was no longer under British rule. -
Battle of Long Island
George Washington set up troops in the port of New York. Washington knew that harbor would be a good place for the British Navy. He set up defenses and waited for the British to attack. William Howe the British's leader landed a few miles away from the harbor. The British finally attacked after 5 days they attcked in the front while they flanked and attacked from behind. Soon Washington retreated back out of New York and into Pennsylvania. -
Battle of Trenton
The Battle of Trenton was commanded by George Washington. He lead the Continental Army to Hession troops stationed at Trenton. Altough the Americans won they suffered many losses. This win boosted the Americans morale. Important people for the Americans were George Washington and For the Hessians were Johann Rall. -
Battle of Brandywine
The Battle of Brandywine was between George Washington's forces and William Howe's forces. William Howe's forces were marching north on there way they incounterd small American miltia's. When Howe reached Washington's forces it was an easy win for Howe and his troops. They forced Washington's men to retreat back. -
Battle of Saratoga
John Burgoyne's forces were very stong yet not strong enough against Benedict Arnold's forces Burgoyne tried to over throw Benedict and succeded. Later, miltia troops started to attack Burgoyne's troops and was soon over whelmed. And soon Burgoyne surrendered after beng surrounded. -
Artical of Confederation adopted
The artical of Confederation was an agreement between the 13 states it was served as the first constitution -
Winter at Valley Forge
General Washington set up his camp at Valley Forge about 20 mles northwest of Philadelphia. At Valley Forge they had no food and no shelter many were sickened of disease. -
Alliance with France
America signed a treaty with France that said, if America was to be attacked by British forces that France would come help. -
Fall of Savannah
The British went south becasue they thought there was still many Americans loyal to Britian and many slaves to. They thought many slaves because they would serve the King for freedom later on. A British force took over the city and later on Americans and French soldiers tried to take back the city but failed and suffered many losses. -
Spain enters the war
Spain supported the 13 colonies through out the war. They founded a trading company that provided military supplies. Spain thought that the war would weaken the British's Empire. -
Siege of Charleston
General Clinton of the British Army sailed 8,000 men to Charleston to get together with loyalist in the area combined there was about 14,000 troops. There was only around 5,400 minutemen. After months of fighting the city was surrounded by British troops and taken under control. -
Benedict Arnold Treason
Benedict Arnold is one of the most known traitors in the world most likely. Benedict Arnold first sarted working with the Continental army and soon went to the British's side and helped them trough out the rest of the war. After, awhile the Continental Army found out that he was a traitor. -
French and British battle at Chesapeake Bay
The Battle of Chesapeake Bay was a naval battle between the British and the French. The defeat of the British was a huge loss for them since there navy was the best back then. This loss also was a huge boost of morale for the Americans.