American revolution Timeline

  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The act said that there was a tax on everything that had to do with paper.
  • Gaspee Afair

    Gaspee Afair
    on this date the HMS gaspee was driven ashore after giving chace to a small ship and was plundered by the sons of liberty.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    This happened because the british put a tax on tea. they got mad and through the tea into the harbor.
  • committees of corespondence Established

    committees of corespondence Established
    these committees were small local government formed by the colonies to organize laws and actions. there was one for each state in the colonies and they met to discuss how to rebel against brittain.
  • Coercice Acts

    Coercice Acts
    It taxed shipping goods and merchendice at boston and at its harbor
  • first contenental congress

    first contenental congress
    this was a meeting of representitives from 12 of the 13 colonieswere they disscusse doptions for rebelion such as boycott, publishing a list of grevences and petitioning king george.
  • Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere's Ride
    paul revere rode to each colony at night to warn the local militias that the british were comming
  • the battle of lexington and concord

    the battle of lexington and concord
    this is an important battle in the american revolution; in which the untrained and poorly armed colonists took on the well trained and well armed brittish.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Delegates had met to dicuss about the up comming war
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The battle was the american troops trying to hold bunker hill and boston. the british won the battle but not the war.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    It was an agrement that the colonists and the king of england tried to reach.
  • proclamation for supressing rebelion and sedation

    proclamation for supressing rebelion and sedation
    in this document signed at the begining of the revolutionary war the brittish proclaimed the colonies in a state of open and avowed rebelion.
  • common sense published

    common sense published
    it told the colonists their basic rights
  • British Evacuation of Boston

    British Evacuation of Boston
    The british left boston after the colonists captured heavey artillery and aimed it at the british fleet in boston harbor.
  • Declaration of Independence drafted

    Declaration of Independence drafted
    The declaration of independence, the document written by the american colonies declaring independence from brittain, was first drafted on this day.
  • Declaration of Independence signed

    on this day the declairation of our countries independence from Brittain was signed and we became a free nation.