American Revolution Relation to Current Events

  • French and Indian War--WW2

    In World War II, the United States allied with four main powers that wanted to pursue a cause or belief that was important to them, and to defend their land. This is similar to the French and Indian War because France allied with Native Americans for similar reasons, defense and pursuit of common causes and beliefs(the enemy of my enemy is my friend).
  • Boston Tea Party 1773 --> Shooting of Philando Castile Protests 2016

    In a trial for the unnecessary shooting of Philando Castile, the police officer who fired was found not guilty. Citizens swarmed the streets of Minnesota to chant and protest the court case. This and the Boston Tea Party is an example of protest against government decisions and/or rulings.
  • Boston Massacre 1776 --> Shooting of Philando Castile 2016

    In Minnesota in 2016, a police officer unnecessarily shot and killed a man named Philando Castile. The Boston Massacre was an event in which British officers unnecessarily opened fire and killed many colonists who were only armed with sticks and rocks. Both of these events are examples of officials using their power to commit extreme crime.
  • Declaration of Independence --> Quit India Speech 1942

    Mahatma Gandhi made a speech encouraging Indians to fight for their freedom and rights from Britain, and created a movement with similar intents as the Declaration of Independence. Both movements called for basic human rights and freedoms from Britain.