The Batle of Lexington
The Battle of Lexington was actually a mistake. The Bristish were marching to Concord, and saw the Americans standing in the field with their guns. They decided to show them whose boss, and make them lay down their guns. The Americans refused. No one knows who made the shot, but a fight broke out. Eight Americans lay dead, and nine were wounded. The British moved on to Concord, leaving the Americans behind. This picture shows the British preparing and firing at the Americans at Lexington. -
The Battle of Concord (Part One)
The British got sidetracked in Lexington, but they continuded on to Concord. They had heard that ammuntion was stored in Concird. The British were marching there to talk the supplies and disarm the Americans. When they got there, they found nothing but a couple of leftover supplies, because Concord had been warned and hidden the ammunition. When they were traveling back to their camp, Americans had gathered and hidden in the trees along the path the British were taking. -
The Battle of Concord (Part 2)
The Americans were angry at the British, and were ready to shed their blood. They fired again and again at the British, and many of the Bristish soldiers fell. This sparked the begining of the Revolutionary War, and broke the bond between England and her country, America. This picture shows the British returing to their camp, walking along the path. Soon, the Americans will come out of hiding and shoot at them. -
Period: to
The Revolutionary War
The Battle of Fort Ticonderoga (Part 1)
The Battle of Fort Ticonderoga really wasn't a battle. The Americans realized that they need cannons to win the next couple wars. So they decided to take over Fort Ticonderoga. When the Americans got there, there was only one guard on duty, he was asleep, and his gun wouldn't fire so he ran and fled. Then they marched up to the house and requested that the British surrender the fort. The British did, and the Americans took the cannons, artillery, and fort. -
The Battle of Fort Ticonderoga (Part 2)
They used the cannons later on to regain Boston from the British. In this picture Ethan Allen is requesting that the British surrender the fort. -
The Battle of Bunker Hill (Part 1)
Militiamen built fortifications on Breed Hill and were stationed on Bunker Hill. The British were alarmed, and attacked. Americans shot down with their cannons and guns. When they ran out of bullets, they started to fire with rocks. This battle was actually fought on Breeds Hill, not Bunker, yet we still call it the Battle of Bunker Hill. The British won, but at great suffering. One thousand red coats were dead or injured, and the Americans lost four hundred people. -
The Battle of Bunker Hill (Part 2)
This was a huge setback for the British, becuase now they needed more reinforcements. The Americans almost defeated the army. This shows that America almost beat the best army with only their half trained militia. They gained confidence from the battle even though they lost. In this picture, the red coats are advancing on the Americans. They Americans are ontop Breeds Hill, shooting down at the British. -
The Battle of Quebec
(The Date Is Unkown, Only Month And Year) The Americans anted to defeat teh British forces, and draw the Canadians aid into the Patriot cause.They wanted to convice the Canadians that the Patriot's need to break away from England. After a hard winter, the Americans, defeated, trudged back. They hadn't won Canada or their help. This picture shows a map of Quebecm which the Americans haven't won. -
The British Retreat from Boston (Part 2)
Thomas Paine wrote the inspiring story, Common Sense, and it convinced Americans to fight. This picture shows Boston, and Dorchester Heights pointing down at Boston. -
British Retreat from Boston (Part 1)
This wasn't really a battle, but the British and the Americans prepared it like one. The Americans used the cannons they had taken from Fort Ticonderoga, and placed them on Dorchester Heights overlook Boston. The British were trapped, and the Americans had the upper hand. They could bombard the city if Britain made a bad move. The British finally surrendered Boston, and withdrawed their troops. Americans reclaimed Boston. -
The Battle of Trenton (Part 1)
In this battle, the Americans wanted to suprise and kill or capture the Hessians or British. It was a desperate move on George Washington's part, because most of his soldiers contracts expired in Januray. The British thought that the Americans had no more strengths to fight so left, and left a lot of Hessians to guard or babysit them. The Americans were offended. Around Christmas time, the Hessians and British were having a big party, drinking and having fun. -
The Battle of Trenton (Part 2)
A loyalist came to the party with urgent news. The general wasn't to be disturbed so he wrote it down on a piece of paper. The general got the note but just shoved it in his pocket. The note said the Americans were coming to fight. The general didn't look at it so the Americans completely suprised the British and the Hessians. This proved the American general, Washington was a good one. This picture is of the Americans attacking the suprised British. -
The Battle of Saratoga (Part 2)
This picture shows the American forces outnumbering and surround the British forces. -
The Battle of Saratoga (Part 1)
(The Date Is Unkown, Only The Month And Year) In the Battle of Saratoga, the British were fighting to control Saratoga. The British were surrounded by the Americans in three directions, with the British in only two. With the British surrounded, they won the battle, and saved Saratoga from British hands. This showed that the Americans could possibly win the Revolutionary War, and the British weren't able to divide the colonies. This encouraged the French and Spanish to help the Americans. -
The Battle of Charlestown (Part 1)
(The Date And Month Is Unkown, Only Year) This battle was fought because the British's new thought was that most Southerners' were probably loyalists. They decided to capture Charleston because it was the largest southern city and port. Sadly, the British won the battle. This was the worst American defeat of the war. The Americans were surrounded, and asked to retreat and be unharmed. The British said no, so the Americans surrendered and were taken hostage by the Britiish. -
The Battle of Charleston (Part 2)
This picture shows the British and the Americans fighting.