American Revolution-Larson

  • End of the French and Indian War

    End of the French and Indian War
    The treaty of Paris ended the war, and the french got the Mississippi river and west, and the British got the east of that.
  • No taxation without representation

    No taxation without representation
    King George the 3 made a proclamation which kept colonist east of the Appalachian mountains to maintain peace with native Americans, and controlled westward expansion. So then they enforced the writ of assistance.
  • Sugar act

    Sugar act
    Sugar act lowered taxes on sweets and sugars to stop smuggling. It violated the colonists rights though.
  • Opposition to the stamp act

    Opposition to the stamp act
    Virginia house of Burgess's passes the stamp act. Which stamped all printed materialism. Sam Adams took colonists to protests in the S.O.L to burn effigies. They also boycotted goods which was a lose of money, so parliament repealed the stamp act. But they passed the declaratory act which allowed gave them power to tax the colonists.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    Townshend act taxed imported goods before brought into the colony. It taxed things like tea, glass, and paper. D.O.L encouraged boycotts on only being allowed to wear local fabrics instead of imported fabrics.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The massacre was in 1770, and the Bostonian's, and the British troops fought. 3 colonists were killed, and 2 were injured.
  • Spreading the news

    Spreading the news
    Propaganda was big after the massacre Sam Adams put up posters on it and Paul revere engraved something in a sign. Massacre made colonists angrier so more boycotts happened. Parliament repealed Townsend act on everything but tea. Later committee of correspondence brought together protesters on the British.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    1733 there were 3 loaded ships in Boston harbor. The S.O.L unloaded them and at midnight colonists snuck on there and threw off 342 crates of tea.This was called the Boston tea party.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    King George 3 made 2 laws after the tea party. The first was the coercive act which forced the colonists to do whatever the British made them do like harmful things. They also tried to cut them from other colonies. The next act was the Quebec act which gave Canada land all the way up to the Ohio River. The acts were believed to express feeling, so they called them the intolerable acts.
  • A meeting in Philadelphia

    A meeting in Philadelphia
    It was a meeting to set up a political body against Britain called the continental congress. 55 delegates were there. Samuel and john Adams from Massachusetts, john jay from New York, and George Washington, Richard Henry Lee, and Patrick Henry from Virginia, and more were at the meeting. They all wanted to set up a firm resistance to Britain. They voted to repeal the 13 acts of parliament.
  • Britain send troops

    Britain send troops
    Thousands of troops in Boston and general Thomas Gage had to seize militia weapons from Massachusetts. Lieutenant Francis Smith had to seize artillery ammunition.
  • British on the Move

    British on the Move
    Joseph warren walked through Boston. He alerted William Dawes and Paul Revere, and then they both rode to Lexington to spread the news that the British are coming. Sam Adams liked, but then Sam Prescott captured Dawes and Revere.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    British redcoats marched over to Lexington and won a good victory, then they lost a small battle to Concord, 174 were injured and 73 were dead. 60 years later Ralph Emerson wrote in the Concord hymn about the battles.
  • More Military Action

    More Military Action
    After Lexington and Concord Arnold Benedict led and army of 400 to seize fort Ticonderoga. Ethan Allen wanted the same, so the two became allies to destroy fort Ticonderoga.
  • Distinguished leaders

    Distinguished leaders
    Second congress met, some old delegates were there like Sam Adams, new delegates like John Hancock because his wealth, and Thomas Jefferson as a legislature. They didn't vote yet, but they discussed.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    After Lexington and Concord more militias formed. June 16 militias commanded by Will Prescott to set up bunker hill by the Boston harbor. Next day redcoats and English fought, and British won . It was known as the battle on bunker hill, but it was a hard victory for the British.
  • War heats up

    War heats up
    Congress knew British would strike first so america took over Montreal, but lost to a Quebec battle. July 1775 weeks after bunker hill Washington figured out his crew was lazy and not disciplined, so in one year of training they were ready.
  • Manumission

    Manumission's definition is the freeing of individual enslaved persons. Like when when someone would free a slave from slavery.
  • Jefferson write the DOI

    Jefferson write the DOI
    Thomas wrote the DOI because the colonies wanted to declare freedom and independence from great Britain. It was based with four parts, they were the preamble, the reason for the rights, the list of grievances, and the existence for the united states. After some changes to it, it was finally published on july 4 1776.
  • Battles of Trent and New Jersey

    Battles of Trent and New Jersey
    The battle of Trenton and new jersey was a turning point for the continental army in the American revolution war. The Americans won in a tough battle to the hessian soldiers. There were about 2,400 on the us army, and it was a turning point because the army crushed the hessian soldiers with Washington in charge.
  • Moving toward Independence

    Moving toward Independence
    Colonist wanted independence, but wanted to stay part of Britain. January 1776 Thomas Paine wrote common sense, which said Americans would be better of free from Britain, and influenced opinions throughout the colonies.
  • War heats up pt. 2

    War heats up pt. 2
    On march 17 1776, america attacks Britain because they are ready after the one year training, and they do. Britain wasn't expecting it, so general William Howe told them to board ships going to Nova Scotia.
  • Declaring Independence

    Declaring Independence
    Richard H. Lee made a statement saying we are better off being free with independence from Britain.
  • Writing the Declaration

    Writing the Declaration
    Congress chose a committee of three which were Benjamin F, John A, Thomas J, and Robert L, to write the declaration of independence. Jefferson wouldn't write the draft, so Adams did, and he wrote it based on John Locke, to explain why colonies wanted freedom.
  • Writing the Declaration pt. 2

    Writing the Declaration pt. 2
    1690's john Locke said people are born with natural lights to life, liberty, property, and people make self government for freedom. After votes congress agreed on Adams draft, and all the colonies agreed with independence.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The declaration has 4 sections, the preamble which is the reason for the declaration, the 2 and 3 one is the colonists rights and the complaints the English have on the British, and the last one is the existence for the U.S. So now on July 4 it's called independence day.
  • Writing the Declaration pt. 3

    Writing the Declaration pt. 3
    After some changes finally on July 4 John Hancock signed the declaration, and so did 56 delegates as well making it the U.S. Copies were made and sold, and people in New York and Massachusetts all celebrated.
  • The Declaration of Independence pt. 2

    The Declaration of Independence pt. 2
    Declaration states government protects rights, and if fails people have to make their own. It talks about lists of grievances on king and parliament. U.S petitioned redress, but British rejected. Finally declaration announces U.S status, which pledges to each other our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, Americans declared themselves a new nation. "The struggle for independence - American Revolution - had just begun".
  • American and British Battle of Saratoga

    American and British Battle of Saratoga
    The Americans won the battle of saratoga, but it wasn't an easy battle to win. They won in two days after the hessian soldiers surrendered their selves. The movements were the British moving in on the US, but the US held strong and took the victory in a hard two day battle over general Burgoyne and his army.
  • Howe captures Philadelphia

    Howe captures Philadelphia
    After the defeat of battle of Brandywine Howe and the British went over to Philadelphia on September 26 1777 and took it over from the Loyalists.
  • State Constitutions

    State Constitutions
    The congress needed all people to accept the constitutions, and finally in 1780 all of the states had accepted it, and they could be approved. It was made up of a governor and a legislature. The constitution let people have their own power, like letting people pick their own legislators. The constitution limited power, so governors were weak, and legislators were strong, and that caused problems.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    1776 second congress planned for the AOC, and it was adopted in November of 1777. It was a weak government that gave power to citizens. It was a league of friendship, freedom, and independence, but limited congress powers, and to do some things at all. It had no executive chief, and states had to approve at by the late 1780's all the states finally approved.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    It was a long winter were washingtons army had no materials to survive, and diseases were going around. That winter half of the army died until the doctor figured out how to cure the smallpox disease. Then general von Steuben came in to train the army, and help them survive through the winter. He taught them a fighting tactic called guerrilla warfare.
  • Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US

    Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US
    In the early days of life and slavery Thomas Jefferson was one of the first to try to stop slavery. On Virginia of 1778 the first act fro slavery was made. It was called prohibiting the importation of enslaved Africans.
  • John Paul Jones & Serapis

    John Paul Jones & Serapis
    A war that lasted over 3 hours was won by the savage john Paul Jones. it was a hard engagement over the British with, but surrendered the serapis a better and faster and more maneuverable ship.
  • Spain Declares war on Great Britain

    Spain Declares war on Great Britain
    Spain declared war on Britain because of what they did to France. So then that created an alliance with the US even Spain didn't give consent to it.
  • British forces capture Charles Town

    British forces capture Charles Town
    Henry Clinton with 12,000 men decided to use his British Stronghold to Charles towne one day, and but the city on assault for 42 days. The war ended in a victory for the British.
  • British surrender at Yorktown

    British surrender at Yorktown
    After the British surrendered to the US that ended the revolutionary war in a good way. The British did not have enough money or resources to rebuild a new army. The British finally wanted peace from the US. This soon lead to the treaty of Paris.
  • Plans for first Fed. Tax

    Plans for first Fed. Tax
    Financial department was made, and taxed 5% on imported goods, but plan failed because not all states approved of it.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The treaty was signed in Paris with US, Spain, and British representatives. This formally ended the war from the countries, and declared independence from the US and the British.
  • Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers

    Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers
    Spain wanted to stop US expansion and it's territory, so to do so they closed the Mississippi river to american western settlers. The traders had to rely on ships goods to market. Later on citizens made new trade agreement, but southerns didn't agree because they couldn't use the Mississippi river.
  • The Ordinance of 1785

    The Ordinance of 1785
    Confederation congress passed ordinance which sold land north of the Ohio river. It was a 6 mi by 6 mi piece that was split into 36 sections. It had 460 acres for 1 dollar every acre. They were sold at auction after Richard H. Lee passed the law that they could be a thing.
  • The North West Ordinance

    The North West Ordinance
    This ordinance gave land from north of the Ohio river to east of the Mississippi river. It had 60,000 people seeking statehood, and was like the 13 original states. It had the bill of rights, and no slavery. The two ordinances made it peaceful and laws were successful.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    This was an uprising in western Massachusetts to a problem with money which lead to a fight in Springfield over the US citizens.The government tried to tax the people and the trades they make to make more money.
  • Convention

    The purpose of the convention was to decide who was going to govern the US to make it a stronger government than what it was before. It took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 14 1787.
  • Signing of the Constitution

    Signing of the Constitution
    The signing of the constitutions occurred in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and it was a signing of 39 delegates representing 12 states. The only state that didn't sign wad Rhode Island because they thought it would be distrustful of a powerful federal government.
  • Delaware fist state to approve Constitution

    Delaware fist state to approve Constitution
    It took 10 months for even the first 9 states to approve of the constitution, but the first to sign was Delaware with a state vote from 30-0. They were the first because the state believed that a stronger national government would help against attacks against them like a war.
  • New Hampshire ratifies Constitution

    New Hampshire  ratifies Constitution
    New Hampshire was the ninth state to ratify the constitution which ended the government from the AOC. Then finally the last state Rhode Island signed the constitution, and this made it that the constitution could make a stronger and better government.
  • Land Act of 1800

    Land Act of 1800
    The 2 ordinances wanted to encourage settlement, but people still needed help, so congress made it easier for people to buy territory. The land had to be 320 acre minimum for 2 dollars an acre, or you could pay half price, and pay the rest in 4 years.