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American Revolution: Jaime Trejo

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    The French & Indian War

    This war was fought across the whole world between Britain and France for the control over huge territories of land across the world. It was called the Seven Years War in Europe and the French & Indian War in American. The war ended in the expansion of the British Empire where most of the French's territory was taken by Britain.
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763
    This made colonist not able to settle past the Appalachian Mountains. It also gave British provinces of Quebec, West Florida, and East Florida.
  • No Taxation Without Representation

    No Taxation Without Representation
    This was a slogan that the American colonist made leading into the American Revolution. It was meant to show that they were being taxed unfairly and didn't have proper representation.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    This was a law that was passed to help the British East India Company to get rid of a surplus of tea they had. When they exported the tea they would not have to pay taxes but the colonist still had to pay taxes when they would purchase the tea. This was done to show the British government that the Parliament could still tax colonist. Their response was the Boston Tea Party.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    This was a protest by the Sons of Liberty to the Stamp Act. A shipment of tea was dumped into the boston harbor.This lead to the American Revolution due to the British overreacting.
  • The Battle of Lexington & Concord

    The Battle of Lexington & Concord
    This battle was the first battle between American minutemen and the British army. The American won this battle which forced the british to withdraw from the countryside back to boston.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    This battle was a huge American lost.Colonial forces tried to enter and take Quebec. They were stopped by the forces of British and French Canada.
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    The Battle of Trenton

    This battle was fought on Christmas day. The American people surprised the German mercenary forces and after beating them they took them all. This battle was a very major battle because it really gained back the American morale after the massive defeats and evacuation of New York City.
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    Battle of Saratoga

    In this war the American forces defeated the british with general Hohn Burgoyne at Saratoga in New York State. He wanted to split the new country in half taking away New England from the rest but did not succeed.
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    The Siege of Charleston

    The British changed their strategy for the war by moving to the south. After a 6 week siege, the British captured Charleston, South Carolina.
  • The Battle of King's Mountain

    The Battle of King's Mountain
    In this battle the American people won over Loyalist forces in South Carolina. This was a very important battle. It happened after a lot of losses and improved moral in American forces.
  • The Battle of Camden

    The Battle of Camden
    This battle was a victory for the British in the South which follows the Capture of Charleston.
  • Battle of Cowpens

    Battle of Cowpens
    This battle was a huge turning point for the American Southern Campaign. This battle liberated South Carolina from British control. It put into motion the events that eventually led the defeat of the British.
  • Article of Confederation

    Article of Confederation
    This article was the first governing document of the newly made United States. This let the Continental Congress run the Revolutionary War and it let it made deals to win and finish it. It was a weak system though. It created distance between the various States. It also replaced the US Constitution.
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    The Battle of Yorktown

    After a terrible battle in South Carolina, General Charles Cornwallis went to Virginia city in Yorktown. There, a combination of the French & American army that was led by George Washington beat and captured Cornwallis and his army.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Revolutionary War was officially over by this time. Great Britain noticed the independence of the United States and ceced territory which included everything between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River. They also made peace with France through the Treaty.
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    The Annapolis Convention

    This was a meeting that was held by representatives of several states to talk about the economic issues. The recommendation of this meeting would be fulfilled and a Constitutional Convention would be held in Philadelphia.
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    The Philadelphia Constitutional Convention

    This meeting was originally made to change the Articles of Confederation which the United States operated at the time. Instead of doing this, they decided to get rid of the articles and create a new document. This new document would would deal with problems with the new nation. This led to the creation of the United States Constitution.
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    The Constitution

    This document outlined the structure of the federal government, the protection of civil liberties, the rights and responsibilities of the state government, and finally the restrictions on the power of the government. This document is the supreme law of the United States.
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    The Bill of Rights

    This is the first 10 amendments of the Constitution. They involve personal freedoms and limitations on government power. It originally only applied to the Federal government but the Fourteenth Amendment allowed for them to be applied to the individual states as well.