
Events of the American Revolution

  • Stamp Act of 1765

    Stamp Act of 1765
    The Stamp Act 1765 was also known as the Duties in American Colonies Act 1765. The act required the colonies to pay a tax, represented by a stamp, on various forms of papers, documents, and playing cards. And this led to the rebellion to against the tax.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    It was a theater of the Seven years' War. The North American colonies of the British Empire against those of the French, each side being supported by various Native American tribes.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    Sons of Liberty was a group of instigators and provocateurs in colonial America who used threats the civilians. Sometimes they used violence to intimidate loyalists and outrage the British government.
  • Townshend Act of 1767

    Townshend Act of 1767
    The Townshend Acts were passed by the Parliament. It had taxed on on glass, lead, paper, paint, and the tea imported to the colonies.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a deadly riot on the King Street in Boston. Because the British military stationed in Boston came to against the colonist. The colonists were angry about being unfairly taxed and to revenge, they threw snowballs and other stuff at the soldiers.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    the Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile. the Boston massacre ignited intense scrutiny of the British regular Army on American shores. They granted the struggling East India Company a monopoly on tea sales in North American even though British Parliament removed government soldiers from Boston.
  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates of 12 of the Thirteen Colonies held from Sep 5 to Oct 24, 1774 at Carpenters' Hall. It was declared that colonist should have the same rights as Englishmen.
  • Battles of Lexington &Concord

    Battles of Lexington &Concord
    The Battles of Lexington and Concord were engagements fought between British regular soldiers and Militaries from the colony of Massachusetts. These battles would be the confirmation of the alienation between the majority of colonists and the mother country.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill was the conflicts during the Siege of Boston in the first stage of the American Revolutionary War. And the victory at Bunker Hill came at a terrible price for the British that was 2200 people killed or wounded in two hours fighting. It was the bloodiest battles of the American Revolution.
  • Olive Branch Petition sent to England

    Olive Branch Petition sent to England
    The Olive Branch Petition was adopted by the Congress. It sent to the King as a last attempt to prevent formal war from being declared. But on August, King George II rejected the petition because it was an illegal document created by an illegal congress, and then declared the colonies in rebellion.
  • Articles of Confederation created

    Articles of Confederation created
    Articles of Confederation was the document that served as the United States' first constitution. It was created a national government composed of a Congress, which had the power to declare war, appoint military officers, sign treaties, make alliance, appoint foreign ambassador, and manage relations with Indians.
  • Siege of Yorktown

    Siege of Yorktown
    General George Washington allied with American and French surrounded General Charles Lord Cornwallis's British army. And Cornwallis surrendered, ending the war and ensuring independence.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris ended the seven years war between Great British and France, as well as their respective allies. It was a presentation of the end of the American Revolution and the agreement recognized the U.S independence and granted the U.S significant western territory.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention was created to amend the Articles of Confederation to form a stronger executive branch of government. This plan was replaced by the delegates' determination to write a new document, the Constitution of the United States.
  • Bills of Rights adopted

    Bills of Rights adopted
    The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. It was created to guarantee civil rights and liberties to the individual like freedom of speech, religions,..