Lexington and Concord
the night before the outbreak of the revolutionary war, the steeple of this boston church glowed with 2 lanterns . The lights were signals to the patriots that the british redcoats were coming to search weapons in Concord by secretly crossing the river to charlestown. the next morning several armed citizens known as minutemen confronted the redcoats noone knows who fired the 1st shot but when it was over 8 minutemen lay dead another battle erupted and 250 redcoats were eather killed or wounded. -
The second continental congress
Representatives from the thirteen colonies formed the second continental congressthat would serve as an emergency government throughout the war.While the congress was just getting ender way here in phillie, the war spread as american fighters frim NY captured Fort Ticonderoga,armed militias took up space in the hills around boston.By the middle of june the continental was authorized and they selected George Washinton to be its commander in chief. -
The battle of bunker Hill
Thuis battle was the second, and most bloodiest battle in the revolutionary war. It began when american militiamen over looking the harbor the militiamen began shelling the fort from ships and from land batteries in boston. soon charleston was burning.then the redcoats attacked , the poorly equipped men didn't start firing till they could se "the whites of the enemy's eyes". The battle continued till the militia minutemen ran out of gunpowder. In the end the redcoats won the bloody battle. -
washington takes command in boston
A month afterthe American defeat at Bunker Hill, General Washington took control of the militias around Boston. His plan was to drive the redcoats from the cityif Britian refused to accept America's offer of peace. Britians king declared war on all the colonies, Washington went innto action he gave orders to bring in cannons as american troops invaded british Canada...america was defeated in Quebec. when the british realised they had no chance against the cannon they surrenderd. -
the declaration of independence
the united states of america was born wgen the declaration of independence was presented to congress.this room was unusually quiet that day as men stepped forward to sign their names to the document;for all of them realized the great importance,and danger, or what they were doing. -
slavery and the new nation
Among the signers of the declaration of independence, slavery was a very contriversal and confusing issue, for a while some hated slavery, others were slave owners, still some were slave owners who hated slaver..For example Thomas Jefferson had called slavery "a cruel war against human nature", yet he owned a large virginia plantation which owned hundreds of slaves.the declaration of independece was a step torward executing slavery. -
war in NY, NJ, and pennsylvania
Many Americans were just learning that independence had been declared when war broke out in NY and spread to NJ and pennsylvania. On christmas night washington and his men crossed the icy deleware river and sliped into NJ. With the element of suprise on their side, Americans went on to win important battles such as trenton and nearby princeton. -
Encampment at valley forge pennsylvania
Washington and his men began setting camp at valley forge, pennsylvania. Soldiers set up cabins and in a short time it became the second largest city in the united states, with a population of 12 thousand men. It offerd shelter but men still suffered from lack of food, shoes, and clothing and by spring 2000 soldiers had died. The good thing that came out of it was that German officer Baron Von Stueben drilled and trained american forces till they became a more determined fighting force. -
The campaugn in the southern states
The summer after valley forge, the british under took a major military campaign in the southern state where alot of people where against independence. So the british abandoned Philidelphia and as soon warfare ended in the north. The king's force seized Savannah , Georgia and soon took control of the whole state. -
The last battle of the americsn revolution
A large force of british troops led by general Cornwallis had reached Yorktown, Virginia a old tobacco port near the Chesapeake Bay, where the last battle of the revlutionary war was to be fought. When Washington reached yoltown he learned that the britishe where trapped and out numbered on october 19 1781 the british surrenderd and the shooting stopped. But the war did not officially end till 178, when a peace treaty was approved