American Revolution

  • Navigation Acts

    (1651, 1660) By limiting colonial trade to England and reducing reliance on foreign imports, these acts of Parliament aimed to advance the self-sufficiency of the British Empire.
  • French and Indian War ends

    Colonist frustration eventually led to the American Revolution due to disagreements about the following frontier strategy and how to pay for the war's costs.
  • Stamp Act

    Relationships with the colonies were strained by the Stamp Act's taxation and representation concerns.
  • Boston Massacre

    As the dead rioters became victims for liberty, the Boston Massacre contributed to the colonists' desire for American independence.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party had significant implications and an impact that eventually ignited the American Revolution.
  • Tea Act

    The East India Company's tea in the colonies was significantly less expensive thanks to the Tea Act.
  • Coercive/ Intolerable Acts

    An unprecedented wave of public shock and disaffection spread over British America as a result of the Intolerable Acts.
  • First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress organized the rebel colonists' opposition to British rule that became more severe and restrictive.
  • Lexington and Concord

    This marked the start of the American War of Independence.
  • Second Continental Congress

    The Congress designated George Washington as the Continental Army’s leader, and recruitment was permitted for the army’s expansion.
  • Declaration of Independence adopted

    The Declaration strengthened the colonies' unity, enabling them to fight alongside one another rather than attempting to reach separate peace treaties with Britain.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    This was the turning point of the war. The American army's victory over the greater British army raised national spirits, boosted the dream of independence, and helped to win the war's necessary foreign backing.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Together, the soldiers constructed huts for protection throughout the winter, but unhygienic circumstances and a lack of food and blankets contributed to the disease and tiredness that lingered in the camp.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    The British government changed as a result of the defeat at Yorktown.
  • U.S. Constitution Written

    Checks and balances, a clear division of powers among the three institutions of government, and other unique governing principles and practices were were adopted by the Constitution.
  • U.S. Constitution Adopted

    Congress established dates for the first federal elections and the Constitution's formal implementation following its approval.