American Revolution

  • End of Indian and French War

    End of Indian and French War
    The French and Indian War ended Britain needed money. This causes Britain to put taxes on the American colonist called the Stamp Act.
  • Sons of Liberty was formed

    Sons of Liberty was formed
    American Colonist did not want to pay for Taxes from Britain. Colonist joined Samuel Adams in forming the Sons of Liberty to protest the Stamp Act. British did not agree with what they wanted and what they wanted was to be free from british control and there freedom of speech. They wanted to be equals to British powers instead of something under british for whenever britain needs money.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    King George III send warships and soldiers to the American colonies. Soon five people were shot dead which would be know as the March 7 1770, Boston Massacre. The Boston Massacre is Britain becoming scared of America pushing for freedom and equality as well as putting there words and opinions out there (or freedom of speech).
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Because of the Boston Masacure American colonist protested. Britain removed all taxes except on tea which led angry colonish led by Samuel Adams to throw alot of tea of british ship into boston. This was know as the Bostan tea party.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Act which closed port which hurt businesses and put people out of work. This also forced colonist to take sides. People who were supportive of Boston became Patriots and Loyalists were loyal to King George III. People now had to choose a side between the king and what people wanted america to be. If you chose patriots you sided with having equality, freedom, and freedom of speech.