American revolution

  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    The British traveled over the Appalachians into French territory and fighting broke out over the control of the lands
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Canada goes to Britain and the British get majority of the land to the Mississippi River, it strengthens the British empire
  • The sugar act

    The sugar act
    The sugar act was the first tax imposed on US citizens. Placed a tax on sugar and other products shipped from non British colonies
  • The stamp act

    The stamp act
    King George the third was determined to give the Americans obedience then he imposed the stamp act and a popular saying was taxation without representation at the time.
  • The quartering act

    The quartering act
    American people were forced to let British soldiers stay at their homes and house them.
  • The second continental congress

    The second continental congress
    The second continental congress adopted the Declaration of Independence
  • Period: to

    American Revolution period

  • The battle of Saratoga

    The battle of Saratoga
    The colonists defeat Burgoyne’s British troops the turning point in the war.
  • The battle at Yorktown

    The battle at Yorktown
    The Americans and French trap Cornwallis’s troops at Yorktown, Virginia
  • The treaty of Paris

    The treaty of Paris
    Ended the American revolution Benjamin franklin was the chief negotiator territory much larger than the thirteen colonies was acquired.