Revolutinary war

American Revolution

By Lumine
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    The enlightenment was the root of many of the ideas in the American revolution. It was a movement that focused mainly on freedom of speech, equality, freedom of press and religious tolerance
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    French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War was a war between the British and the French with Indian allies. The war was a brutal and long event that left many dead and was almost genocide on some Indian tribes. The war occurred because the French and the British wanted the Ohio River Valley.
    More Information Here
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of Paris marked the end of the French and Indian war between the French Empire and the British Empire. The treaty handed over much of the French empires land in the new world giving British control of most of the Americas
  • Stamp act of 1765

    Stamp act of 1765
    The stamp act of 1765 was passed by the British Parliament to help pay for British troops stationed in the colonies during the seven years war
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    The Sons of Liberty were found at some point during august 1765, they were a group of grassroots of instigators and provocauters who used an extreme form of civil disobedience, and in some cases actual violence
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    On June 15th the Townshend act was put into place that day, named after Charles Townshend chancellor of the Exchequer, the act taxed all imports of British China, glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea that was transported to the colonies. This occurred due to the debt that happened after the French and Indian war.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston massacre was a deadly riot resulting in the death of multiple colonists on March 5,1770, this event is what led to several other historical events such as the Boston Tea Party and the first Continental meetingBostonMassacre
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    On December 16,1773 the Boston tea party which was a political protest that occurred on off of Griffins Wharf happened. The American colonists were frustrated and mad at Britain for imposing taxation on tea. Over 342 chests of tea where dumped into the ocean after being imported by British East India Company
  • Map of the Boston Tea Party

    Map of the Boston Tea Party
    Map for the Boston Harbor
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    The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord was the first battle to kick start the American Revolution. The Battle took place on April 4th,1775 and the famous "shot heard around the world" marked the start of the war.Information
  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense Book Released

    Thomas Paine's Common Sense Book Released
    Thomas made the book to try to make America a free country. He also wanted the people to rule themselves More Thomas book info here
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The declaration of independence was a unanimous decision to separate the 13 British colonies to be free and independent states. The people who signed it were John Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams and many more.
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    The Battle of Yorktown

    On October 19th 1781 the battle of Yorktown came to an end with a British loss as they surrendered to the Colonials due to a lack of ammunition and general supplies due to the constant bombardment from the enemies. This battle was one of the last major battles during the revolution
    Map of YorkTown
  • The Map of the Battle of Yorktown

    The Map of the Battle of Yorktown
    This map is for the Battle of Yorktown
  • The constitution is ratified

    The constitution is ratified
    The first state to ratify the Constitution was Delaware on December 7, 1787, followed by Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, and Connecticut. Some states voiced opposition to the Constitution on the grounds that it did not provide protection for rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and press.
  • The Bill of RIghts

    The Bill of RIghts
    The Bill of Rights are the rights that we use to this day. Like the right to freedom of speech and the right to bear arms.