American Revolution

By yosi23
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    The French and American War

    A worldwide war between Britain and France for control over large territories all over the world. The result was Britain expanding their empire.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Forbid settlement beyond the Appalachian Mountains. The proclamation was unable to prevent western settlement
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    A law passed by Parliament to help the Britain East Indian company get rid of tea they had warehoused in Britain. The company wouldn't have to pay taxes on the tea exported but the colonists would have to pay a tax on the purchase of the tea, this was a way for the British to show that they still had the right to tax the colonies.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    A political protest by the Sons of Liberty against the Stamp Act. A shipment of tea was dumped into the Boston Harbor.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    Helped grant rights to Catholics in the territory and it also helped expand the borders of Quebec. It wasn't very popular to the American colonist,
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The first battle between American and British army, the American victory forced a British withdrawal from the countryside to Boston.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    One of the first battles of the American Revolution. the colonial forces had captured the bunker hill which was a part of the siege of Boston and had the intention of capturing the British. The British had attacked the colonial forced and they withstood the first 2 times but not the third, even though it was a loss for the Colonial forces the British had lost a lot of men during tha battle
  • Declaration of Independence

    Was written by Thomas Jefferson and America declared its separation from Great Britain
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle between the British and American, America was lead by George Washington who sought to defend New York from the British. Washington and his army to were able to evacuate from Brooklyn to Manhattan and escaped the destruction that was made by Britain. This was the first major defeat and New York remained under Britain's control until the end of the war
  • Battle of Trenton

    The American forces had surprised German forces which are know as the Hessians and defeated them after this captured almost everyone with little losses. This battle was important because it had restored the morale of America which had been low because of the evacuation and defeat of New York
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    Battle of Saratoga

    A turning point and also one of the 2 crucial battles of the American Revolution. The British army was defeated since American army was under General Hohn Burgoyne. This was a turning point for American because after their win France decided to give support to them along with other foreign powers
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    Valley Forge

    George Washington and the Continental Army camped during the winter. Many troops suffered from the cold, starvation, and disease. The Army was held when miraculously help by Washington with the news that France would enter the was on the other side of America.
  • Treaty with France

    France recognized the United states and they entered a treaty of alliance with them. France supplied the United States with however many troops,supplies, and military they needed
  • The Battle of cowpens

    South Carolina was liberated from the control of the British. This battle is what set into motion the events that eventually led to the end of the war and what left the British defeated
  • Battle of Yorktown

    American continental troops that were led by George Washington defeated General Cornwallis and his army. The defeat was the last major battle of the Revolution War
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    Annapolis convention

    A meeting that was held by the representatives of many states in order to discuss economic issues that were going on.
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    Philadelphia constitutional convention

    A convention which was originally met to reform the Articles of Confederation. The convention decided to scrap the Articles of Confederation and make a new document which what lead to the United States Constitution.
  • The Constitution

    A document that divides the power between the federal government and states.
  • Bill of rights

    The first ten amendments of the constitution. The amendments are what dealt with the limitations on government powers and personal freedoms.It originally just applied to the federal government.
  • Neutrality Proclamation

    A policy George Washington presented that made is illegal for Americans to wage war against any nations who were at peace with the U.S