Battle of Bunker Hill also known as Battle of Breed's Hill
-The British had four generals, Thomas Gage, John Burgoyne, Henry Clinton, and William Howe
-The Continental army's general was William Prescott.
-Howe led 1,500 British troops to Charleston Neck where they began an assault, inadequately supported by a few British field guns and some naval gunfire.
-The Continental Army had the advantage with some 2500- 4000 men and they were on higher ground.
-The British eventually took over the hill when the Continental Army ran out of supplies. -
Battle of Long Island
- William Howe and his brother Richard were the British generals -George Washington led the Continental Army -Howe set out for New York with 32,000 men, and when Washington heard he got together 20,000 men and stationed them at Brooklyn Heights. -Since the Continental Army was ill-prepared, the British easily seized the city and Washington was forced to evacuate the city.
Battle of Long Island cont'd
Due to the Continental Army's loss, the British now had control of New York, and New York Harbor, which had a major impact on the colonists trade. -
Battle of Trenton
- The Continental Army's general was George Washington and the British General was Colonel Rahl
- The victors were the Americans -Washington decided to attack at Trenton with some 2,400 men from Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York. -They used river boats to float up the Delaware river, and it was a cold dark night and the river was running with flowing ice. His soldiers were badly clothed and many did not have shoes.
Battle of Trenton cont'd
-Rahl’s troops retreated to an orchard in the South East of the town where they surrendered.
- Since the Americans won, they became more motivated, whereas the British became less sure they were going to win. -
Battle of Brandywine
-The British were led by General Sir William Howe and the Continental Army was led by General George Washington
- The victors were the British, when they made the Americans flee from Brandywine creek
-Howe had brought his army by sea to the Chesapeake intending to capture Philadelphia.
- The British encircled the Americans at Fort Chad
-The battle ended with the American army withdrawing up the road to Philadelphia and the British encamped on the battlefield.
- The colonists lost Philadelphia -
Battle of Saratoga cont'd
- This battle was the turning point for the war because the French and Spanish declared war on Britain and the Americans were enthusiatic about the war once again
Battle of Saratoga
-General John Burgoyne commanded the British army and General Horatio Gates and Brigadier Benedict Arnold commanded the American army.
- The Americans were the victors
- The battles leading up to the Battle of Saratoga were the Battle of Freemans Farm, which the British won and then the Battle of Bemis heights which the Americans won
- These 3 battles were an attemot by the British to take New England but at the Battle of Saratoga, when American troops surrounded the British, they surrendered. -
Battle of Monmouth cont'd
-Lee was forced to retreat with the British in pursuit. Washington advanced with the main army and rallied the troops. Repeated British attacks were beaten off before the fighting ended with both sides winning -
Battle of Monmouth
-The Britsh generals were General Sir Henry Clinton, General Earl Cornwallis and General Knyphausen and the American generals were General George Washington and General Charles Lee
- The battle was a draw
-Washington moved his army across the Delaware River with goal of attacking Clinton as his troops marched from Philadelphia to New York.
-Washington dispatched General Lee with 5,000 men to assault the British near Monmouth Court House -
Capture of Savannah
-The British were led by Colonel Archibald Campbell and the Americans were led by Robert Howe
- The British were the victors
- Campbell marches 8500 troops to take over Savannah, Georgia
- The American troops were inadequately prepared and they were easily taken over by the British
- The British now had control of Savannah -
Battle of Cowpen
- After the battle, the American victory gave encouragement to the colonies whereas all British victories turned out to achieve little in the long term
Battle of Cowpens
-The Americans were led by Colonel Daniel Morgan and the British were led by Colonel Banastre Tarleton
- The Americans were the victors
-Morgan stood with troops by the Broad River on two low hills in open woodland, expecting that Tarleton would make a headlong attack without pausing to devise a more subtle plan, which is exactly what Tarleton did
- The British charged after them but the Americans were prepared and they overwhemingly defeated the British troops -
Battle of Guilford Court House
-The British army was led by General Lord Cornwallis and the American army was led by General Nathaniel Greene
- The victor were the British army
-Cornwallis pursued Greene’s army in an attempt to defeat him before launching the final and ill-fated British invasion of Virginia.
-Cornwallis ordered his three guns to fire into the struggling mass. American and British were struck down indiscriminately by this fire but the American assault was repelled. -
The Battle of Guilford Courthouse
-Following the battle, Cornwallis began his move into Virginia where he ended up in Yorktown for the final battle -
Battle of Yorktown
- General Washington commanded the Americans, General de Rochambeau commanded the French and General Lord Cornwallis commanded the British.
- The Americans were the victors -The Americans and French marched out of Williamsburg and arrived before Yorktown on September 28, forming a semi-circle around the entrenchments and putting the British under siege.
- With inadequate supplies of artillery ammunition and food, on October 19th Cornwallis’ army marched out of Yorktown and surrendered.
- General Washington commanded the Americans, General de Rochambeau commanded the French and General Lord Cornwallis commanded the British.
Battle of Yorktown
-After the British surrendered to the Americans and French, it ended the fighting in the war and led to the Peace Treaty that acknowledged the independence of the American states.