American Revolution Battles

  • Lexington & Concord

    Lexington & Concord
    Pratriots won, people rode horses shouting the British are coming.
  • Fort Tinconderoga

    Fort Tinconderoga
    Patriot victory, British surrendered and left.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    British victory, Patriot were winning when theyran out of ammuntion.
  • Long Island

    Long Island
    The British won, the Contenetial army was outnumbered badly.
  • Trenta

    Patriot victory, washington led 2,400 troops across Delware river.
  • Saratoga

    Patriot victory, this was a enormous victory agaist british.
  • Cowpens

    Patriot victory, Loyalist led British
  • Yorktown

    Patriot victory, Americans joined with French