Stories abercrombie vs fort

American Revolution Battles

  • Concord and Lexington

    Concord and Lexington
    Started when shot was fired.
    Don't know who fired first.
    Britsh won in Lexington.
    Americans won in Concord.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    They joined forces, were took by surprise and surrendered.
    Americans won the battle.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    Americans had low ammunition.
    Americans ran out of gun powder.
    British won the battle.
  • Long Island

    Long Island
    Only 20,000 American soldiers.
    Nathan Hale was captured by Britush.
    Americans suffered in winter.
    British won the battle.
  • Trenton

    Americans struggle through winter
    Caught British by surprise
    Americans won the battle
  • Saratoga

    British had a plan and it failed.
    Green Mountain Boys defeated them.
    General Burgoyne surrendered.
    Americans won the battle.
  • Cowpens

    Greene combined forces.
    Cornwallis gave up campaign to conquer Carolinas.
    Americans won the battle.
  • Yorktown

    Britsh was low on supples.
    Soldiers were wounded and sick.
    British finally surrendered.