American Revolution Battles

  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    • The British defeted the Patriots at Lexington.
    • The Patriots defeted the British at Concord.
    • Lexington and Concord was the first major battle of the American Revolution.
    • 8 minuetmen died
    • there was a short battle at the north bridge.
  • fort ticondoroga

    fort ticondoroga
    • Fort ticondoroga was rich in milirary supplies.
    • Pariots won the battle at fort ticonderoga.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    • known as Breeds Hill. *British defeted the patriots. *Milita around Boston numbered about 20,000 strong.
    • The patriots werelow on ammunition.
  • Long Island

    Long Island
    • Nathan Hale was a spy that was spying on the British and was captured by the British and hung.
    • British defeted the patriots.
    • Washinton was captured by the British.
  • Trenton

    • The patriots defeted the British.
    • on christmas night, washington led 2,400 troops across the icy river to surprise the enamy at trenta the next day.
  • Saratoga

    • first battle was on sept. 19 adn oct. 9.
    • the Patriots won the battle.
    • Benidict Arnold was selling secret informaton to the British.
    • on october 17, 1777 General Burgoyne surrendered.
  • Yorktown

    • in July 1780 French warshops appeared off Newport, Rhode Island, the ships carried French aids.
    • more than 14,000 americans adn the french troops stood against 8,000 British troops.
  • Cowpwns

    • the patriots won the battle.
    • the army was split into 2.
    • General Cornwallis gave upt he campaign to conquer the Corolinas.