American Revolution Battles

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    June 1775, early in the Revolutionary War, the British won. Although they lost Americans still caused many casualties. William Prescott was very important in the Battle, an American commander, he famously said, "Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes."
  • Invasion of Quebec

    Invasion of Quebec
    Americans, lead by Colonel Benedict Arnold and General Richard Montgomery, they failed in trying to capture Quebec.
  • Battle of Fort Washington

    Battle of Fort Washington
    Hessian Lieutenant General Wilhelm von Knyphausen lead his British troops at the fort and overwhelmed the Patriots. 3000 Patriots were captured. Margaret Corbin of Virginia was the first woman to fight for the Patriots after her husband died.
  • Battle of Princeton

    Battle of Princeton
    George Washington led his Patriot troops to victory in Trenton, New Jersey after General Charles Cornwallis attacked attempting to capture Washington.
  • Battle of Guilford Courthouse

    Battle of Guilford Courthouse
    In North Carolina, Americans had a turning point to victory in the war, although the British won. The British lost a significant amount of troops even though they won. Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis left his campaign for the Carolinas because of the loss of troops and the bad state his army was in
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    In Virginia, the most important battle in the war, the Battle of Yorktown, occurred. George Washington and the French Army led troops to capture General Cornwallis and his troops causing them to retreat.