American Revolution Battles

  • Battle of Lexington & Concord

    Battle of Lexington & Concord
    The Americans won the battle of Lexington & Concord by picking off at the British little by little and the British retreated back into Boston. The British lost nearly 100 soldiers and 175 were wounded. The Colonies lost 55 soldiers and had 40 wounded.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    There were nearly 1500 casualties during the battle of Bunker Hill. There were 450 casualties for the colonists and about 1000 for the British. The British charged the hill 3 times before the colonists ran out of ammo. Then the British had to go through hand to hand combat to win the hill.Then the British won the battle and claimed the hill.
  • Battle of Long Island

    There were around 2400 casualties, and 2000 were from the colonists. George Washington knew that the British would need the harbor to send in troops from Britain. But the British knew that too and sent many forces to the battle and had the main army flank them from behind. But the Maryland troops were on stand-by and flanked the flanking British army after the British flanked the Colonists main force in that battle. Sadly, the British won the battle.
  • Battle of Trenton

    There were a total of about 1100 casualties in that battle. All but ten come from the Hessians army. The Hessians had 20 killed, 80 injured, and 1000 captured. The Colonists went across the Delaware River and at night, surrounded the Hessian forces at a camp in Trenton. The Colonists won with very few casualties and captured 1000 Hessians.
  • Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
    The British won the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga by a long shot because of the mass of his army of 8000 men and the colonists only had 3000 men at Ticonderoga. The British lost 5 men and the Colonists lost 7 men and had 11 wounded.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    There were 7500 casualties in this war, 7200 of them were from the British. The British sent a large invasion army, hoping to meet a similar force, but when they arrived, they found a much larger army than expected. After the first battle, the British captured a farm, but at great cost. At the second battle, he surrendered to minimize casualties for his army and the colonies won.
  • Battle of Monmouth

    The Colonists under the command of Washington attacked the rear of the British army. There are 200 casualties from the British and 300 casualties from the Colonists.
  • Battle of Cowpens

    There were 1400 casualties, and 1200 were from British. The colonists army decided to split up and one half went to a city and protected the civilians there.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    The British general Cornwallis decided to move his base to Yorktown and Washington decided to act. At that same time, the French war ships were coming to Chesapeake Bay, which is right next to Yorktown. The Colonies had 400 casualties and the British had 9000.