Lexington and Concord
Colonel Smith, Major Pitairn, and Lord Percy commanded the British troops and the colonies were commanded by Barrett, Butttrick, and Robinson. First battle of the war, and the colonist won it. -
Fort Ticonderoga
Colonel Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen led the small force of Green Mountain Boys for the Americans. This battle served as a morale booster for the Americans. They used the cannons they stole in the successful Siege of Boston. -
Bunker Hill
British sent troops to capture the colonists’ cannons located on Breeds hill, which overlooked Boston and was connected to Bunker Hill. It was the first all out battle. -
Battle of Trenton and Princeton
General Washington’s army crossed the Delaware and wins 2 crucial battles over the next 10 days. He first defeated a garrison of Hessian mercenaries then planned a night march to overtake Princeton. -
Battle of Saratoga
The Battle of Saratoga marked the climax of the Saratoga campaign. British General John Burgoyne led his army south from Canada hoping to unite with other British armies in the area. The other armies neve arrived and Burgoyne found himself surrounded by an American army in New York and was forced to surrender. -
Siege of Charleston
After close to 6 weeks of siege, Major General Benjamin Lincoln was forced to surrender to the British. This resulted in one of the worst defeats in all of the American Revolution. -
Battle of Kings Mountain
In a fight between Patriot and Loyalist armies that has been described as the largest all-American right in the war, the Patriots earned a decisive victory. The Patriot militia defeated the Loyalists, who commanded by British Major Patrick Ferguson, resulting in a pivitoal moment in the Southern campaign. -
Siege of Yorktown
The Battle of Yorktown combined the forces of the American troops led by General George Washington and French troops led by the Comte de Rochambeau. This battle was the last major land battle of the Revolutionary War, resulting in an American victory over British Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis.