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American Revolution Battle Timeline

  • Lexington

    In Lexington almost 700 troops arrived at Concord. When they got there there were 70 minutemen ready to defend their land by shooting first. 8 minute men were killed while 10 were injured, on the troops side only 1 was injured.
  • Concord

    After the Lexington battle the troops heading towards Boston and came face to face with about 4,000 minute men. The minute men immediately shot at the British leaving more British soldiers injured than minutemen.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    In Bunker Hill the British general wanted the british soldiers to attack the colonists so he sent 2,400 soldiers to Bunker Hill. By the time the battle was over 450 colonists were killed & 1,000 British soldiers were killed or injured.
  • Trenton

    The british hired German soldiers to attack the colonists but Washington who was the leader at the time lead his group to victory. Soon after that Washington returned to Trenton to fight for Princeton and won. The Americans now have control over New Jersey.
  • New York

     New York
    The British planned to strike NY to stop the rebellion of New England's isolation. New England wanted to be their own country but the colonist did not agree so England decided to attack NY. The colonists tried to defend NY but became tired and were defeated and pushed out of NY.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    After the surrender in Saratoga the soldiers from the continental army were running low on food and supplies and were dying in Valley Forge. More than 2,000 soldiers died and the survivors were suffering which lead to the letters that Washington wrote to congress asking for help.
  • Philadelphia

    . Both the British and the colonists were battling over Philadelphia but the British army tricked the continental army by splitting up into different areas to stall the colonists from coming.
  • Saratoga

    The General John Burgoyne planned to lead an army to Albany where he would meet the British soldiers to come together and separate New England from the colonies but while he was traveling soldiers from the colonies surrounded him and he realized that he wasn’t going to meet with the British army because they were in Philadelphia trying to stop more colonists from attacking the British. He surrendered and the French joined the colonist.
  • Marquis De Lafayette

    Marquis De Lafayette
    Was a foreign military leader who offered to help the colonist who we were suffering from food and supply shortage. He persuaded the French to help the colonists and also to help them fight at the end of the war.
  • Yorktown

    Charles Cornwallis lead his army to Yorktown which he planned to reconstruct incase of any attacks while he did that the French blocked the entrance to the Chesapeake bay so that no more British soldiers could come in. Then the French and the Americans came together and surrounded the British in Yorktown and attacked them. The British general surrendered and the colonists defeated the British.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of Paris was signed by John Adams, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin which confirmed the independence of the United states.