After their victory at lexington, the starting marching towards concord. Little did they know there were 3000-4000 minutemen assembled and attacked them. -
The king's troops reached lexington and saw 70 minutemen. They were ordered to put their weapons down and leave by the British commander. Shots fired killing 8 minute men and injuring 10, but only one british soldier was wounded. -
Bunker Hill
2400 men were ordered to strike an attack on Breed’s Hill. The colonist held fire until the last minute and then fired away. The colonist lost 450 of their men, but the British had suffered over 1000 casualties. -
New York
The British quickly attempted to seize New York city as a plan to stop the rebellion. 32000 of British soldiers sailed into New York harbor. -
Washington risked everything by leading 2,400 men in small boats and to Trenton New jersey. They defeated a garrison of hessian in a surprise attack. -
American troops finally surrounded Burgoyne and he surrendered. This turned out to be one the most important events in the war. -
Valley Forge
Running low on supplies,soldiers fought to stay alive in the winter. Unfortunate 2000 of them died. -
Despite the multiple losses they faced, they were still battling. 7,500 camped at Yorktown before the surrender. -
Treaty of Paris
Peace talks finally began to arise in 1782. The treaty of paris was signed by delegates and confirmed The United States’ independence. -
Marquis De Lafayette
In the frozen winter, american troops began an astonishing transformation. Amazing leaders offered their help.