Marquis de lafayette
On april 9 1771 at the age of 14 he became a gereal. In december 1777 he fought in the war of Vally Forge.Marquis became a leader and he participated in wars with George Washington. -
British soldiers were sent out to Lexington , they caprutred the colonial leaders Sam adams and Jhon hancock.This inspired many patriots to go against the biritsh soldiers.The plan to capture the leaders was the idea of the British general Gage. -
British Soldires first went to Lexingtion then after they went to Concord to "sieze" gunpowder .Rumors went around that Gage's soldires will attake by sea.Paul Revere,William Dawes and DR Samuel Prescott warned the country side that the soldires were coming. -
Bunker Hill
"Dont fire untill you see white of their eyes" is a famous order when the Americans faced the british troops.Its known as "The Battle Of Bunker Hill". The battle actually took place is Breed Hill.The first momument was av18ft wooden pillar. -
The battle of New York
The battle of new york was also called "The battle of brooklyn".The continietalarmy was defeated . The biritsh agained control. -
The gereal was Greoge Washington against colonial Rahl.The american Rev took place in New Jerst in the deleware River,The war was the americans against the british. -
Vally Forge
After washinton got defeated after the british trying to capture philadelphia, the congree left the city.George kept fighting after war and war and he was still defeated.The britsh and the american kept fighting . -
The Brisitsh tired to capture Philadelphia. He decided philadeplhia beacuse its the largest city in Northern america.It became the battle of germantown. -
The Battle of Saratoga
The Battle was the turning point of the revolution .British and Hessain troops surrenerd,Gereral Jhon lost 86% of his troops .They march to New York from Canada in 1777. -
York Town
The americans won the battle with the british in yorktown.The british surrenderd and it ended the Revolution. The battle was the Americans and the French agaisnt the British. -
Treaty of paris
The treaty was signed my Paris the representative of king George the third. This documented dtoppped theRevoluntionary War.This happened after they defeated the british.