American Revolution Autumn F. Byrd

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    British: Gen. Gage.
    Continental:Gen. Artimus Ward.
    -Originally fought at Breed's Hill (not bunker)
    -The first major engagement of the American Revolution.
    -British casualties (1,504) Colonist casualities(500). Americans won
  • Battle Of Long Island

    Battle Of Long Island
    British: Gen. William Howe
    Continental: Gen. George Washington
    British loss: 400 American loss: 1,000
    -To protect New York City and the lower Hudson valley from the British forces, George Washington sent part of his small army to defend Brooklyn Heights.
    -It was a conflict in the American Rev.
    -Americans retreated rto Manhattan. British won
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    American: Gen. George washington
    British: General William Howe
    Victor: Americans
    -A number of the men were sick
    - G.W. attacked the british while they were at there most vulnerable point (Troops scattered all over the state)
    -Occured on Christmas
  • Battlle of Brandywine

    American General: George Washington
    British General: Sir William Howe
    Victor: The British Troops won the battle.
    -The battle was a "revenge" tactic, in an attempt to destroy Washington's army.
    -He set out to take over Philidelphia, the patriot capital.
    -The british tried to attackat dawn, but Washington interfered and they had to re-create a different ''game-plan"
  • Battle of Saratoga

    British: General John Burgoyne
    American: General Horatio Gates
    Victor: Americans
    -The British were well equipt (as far as apparel)
    - Teh Americans were scarecly clothed and dressed as best they could.
    -Both sides were armed with muskets and guns
  • Battle of Monmouth

    Victor: (???) - It is a tie.
    ~Americans claimed victory becuase they won the field
    ~The british claim victory because they held off the Americans all day which allowed them to safely transport their troops and baggage to New York.
    Generals: American-Geroge Washington British- Earl Cornwallis
    +Mary Hays, a.k.a. Molly Pitcher, became a legend during this battle
    +This battle took place at which is now Monmouth Battlefield State Park in Freehold, New Jersey.
    +Baron Von Stueben was a contributer.
  • Capture of Savannah

    Generals: Sir Henry Clinton and Augistine Prevost and American led by General Howe
    Victor: The British
    + Howe was blamed for the loss
    +British used savannah as a resting area after their vctory
    +Americans suffered heavy losses and lost their ammo as well.
  • Battle of Cowpens

    Victor: Americans
    British General- Banastre Tarleton
    Continental General- Daniel Morgan
    + An American success, in the recapturing od SC from the British
    +This battle brought a sense of hope to the American (who lost frequently until this point)
    +Many militia joined after this.
  • Guilford Court House

    British: General Lord Charles Cornwallis,
    Americans: General Nathanael Greene.
    Victor: British
    +British out numbered
    + Colonist left unhappy, making them rethink, and leave their ego behind
    +This victory booste dteh British soldiers' ego.
  • Battle of YorkTown

    American: Gen. George Washington
    British: Gen. Charles Cornwallis
    Victor: American
    + The most important battle of them all
    +George washington packed a punch by completely destroying the british and making them forfit (eventually)
    +Out of around 8.000 british men, 300 were left.