American Revolution

  • Lexington

    Prescott rode out spread word that 700 British troops were headed for Concord. The darkened countryside rang with chirch bells and gunshots
  • Concord

    The British marched on to Concord, where they found an empty arsenal.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    The colonist had lost 450 men, while the british had suffered over 1,000 casualties. The misnamed Battle Hill would prove to be the deadliest battle of the war.
  • New York

    The British sailed into New York harbor in the summer of 1776 with a force of about 32,000.
  • Trenton

    They marched to different states including Trenton and defeated a garrison of Hessians in a surprise attack.
  • Saratoga

    In complex scheme, General john Burgoyne planned to lead an army down a route of lakes from Canada to Albany.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    More than 2,000 soldiers died, yet the survivors didn't desert. Their endurance and suffering filled Washington's letters to the Congress and his friends.
  • Marquis de Lafayette

    Marquis de Lafayette
    Arrived to offer their help. Lafayette lobbied France for french reinforcements in 1779, and led a command in Virginia in the last years of the war
  • Philadelphia

    When men marched off to fight , many wives stepped into their husbands shoes, managing farms and businesses as well as households and families
  • Yorktowm

    Cornwallis planned to fortify Yorktown, take Virginia, and then move to join Clinton's forces.
  • Treaty of paris

    Treaty of paris
    The delegates signed the Treaty of Paris which confirmed U.S independence and set the boundaries of the new nation.