Sugar act
taxed Americans on sugar. It was also the first tax the British imposed on the American colonists -
Stamp act
King George III issued another tax on the Americans who grew angrier with the king. -
Intolerable acts
The Boston port act closed Boston port until the damage for the Boston tea party was paid for.
The administration of justice act said that British officials accused of a crime had to go to British court rather than American court.
The Massachusetts government act reduced the American’s right to self govern so they put a British governor in the area
The quartering act allowed any British soldiers to live in any house or town in Massachusetts during the war. -
Declaration of Independence
Drafted by Thomas Jefferson, this declared America as an independent country separate from Britain -
Battle of Yorktown
The French and the Americans trap general cornwallis’ army in Yorktown, Virginia where the British would surrender. -
Treaty of Paris
The American revolution ended here and Territory much bigger than the 13 colonies was acquired and explored. Benjamin Franklin became chief negotiator. -
Adoption of the American constitution
George Washington becomes president