American Revolution

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    French and Indian War

    Each of the three wars between the french and the indians all started in europe and moved to the colonies
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    Writ of Assistance

    This was a search warrant for any british official to search any boat he thought was suspicious of having anything illegal on it.
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    Treaty of Paris 1763

    The war ended with the signing of the treaty of paris in 1763, Britain claimed canada and all of North America
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    Proclamation of 1763

    To avoid further conflicts with Native Americans, The british government made the proclamation of 1763 which established a proclamation line along appalachian mountains.
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    Sugar Act & colonists response

    Halved the duties of the foreign made molasses in the hopes that colonists would buy lower taxed items, Placed amounts on certain imports that weren't taxed before, and people who were accused of not following the law would be put in court.
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    Stamp Act & colonists response

    A tax law that makes colonists to purchase special stamps to prove payment of taxes. The colonists would harass stamp distributors and they would boycott british goods.
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    Sons of Liberty is formed & Samuel Adams

    A secret resistance group to protest the law, and to boycott british goods and was led by samuel adams of the founders of the sons of liberty.
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    Declaratory Act

    This act was to bind all of the colonists together
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    Townshend Acts & colonists response

    named after charles townshend, This act taxed goods that were coming from britain such as glass, lead, paper, and paint. They wanted to repeal this because it was making less pounds of goods than they expected, they needed 170,000 pounds they only got 295.
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    Boston Massacre

    A mob of colonists gathered at the customs building and started taunting them and then this resulted in a big fight and shots were fired killing 5 colonists
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    Tea Act

    Britain was giving out special deals to these people for lower prices so they could shut out colonial tea merchants.
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    Boston Tea Party

    The indians dumped out 18,000 pounds of east india companies tea into the waters of the harbor in boston.
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    Intolerable Acts

    One law shut down the britain harbor, The second made colonists house british soldiers, and the last law made boston go under martial law.
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    First Continental Congress meets

    This congress was made for the result of the british, this is when 56 delegates drew up the colonial rights
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    Continental Army

    Majority wanted recognition but some just wanted to appoint and army and make george washington commander of it.
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    Civilian soldiers who pledged to fight the british on a minutes notice.
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    Midnight riders: Revere, Dawes, Prescott

    These riders went to go spread the word that 700 british troops were on there way to concord.
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    Battle of Lexington

    The first battle of the revolutionary war and the colonists were so under manned it only took the red coats 15 minutes and then the colonists retreated.
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    Battle of Concord

    The british were now on their way to concord when they got attacked by the minutemen, which was between 3,000-4,000 and the battle was dropping red coats by the second and the rest who lived the battle of concord went back to boston.
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    Second Continental Congress

    This meeting was for what their next move should be and there was multiple debates between people and where they came from.
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    Olive Branch Petition

    The congress sent out a letter to the king urging the british and the colonies to get back together.
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    Battle of bunker hill

    Gage sent 2,400 troops up the hill, they held their ground and at the last few minutes before retreating they killed off most of the red coats .
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    John Locke’s Social Contract

    The social contract made everyone agree on a certain policy and everyone had to follow it.
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    Publication of Common Sense

    working a powerful in the minds of men and women throughout the world.
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    Declaration of Independence author, summary of statements made, date of adoption

    Thomas jefferson wrote the declaration of independence and it was about life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
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    Loyalists and Patriots

    LOyalists were the ones who opposed against independence and the patriots were the ones who supported independence.
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    Redcoats push Washington’s army across the Delaware River into Pennsylvania

    this is when the redcoats pushed washington's army all the way back to the river from delaware to pennsylvania
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    Washington’s Christmas night surprise attack

    Washington led 2,400 men to go push in small rowboats across the ice choked river of delaware and marched onto their mission in new jersey.
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    Burgoyne got surrounded by american soldiers and in saratoga he surrendered, and this was the most important part of the war.
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    French-American Alliance

    The french believed that the war would be won by the americans so they surrendered and then later signed an alliance with the americans
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    Valley Forge

    This is where washington and his soldiers fought to stay alive and they lost 2,000 men trying to fight this storm with low food and low clothing.
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    Friedrich von Steuben and Marquis de Lafayette

    He helped the french with back up support and their reinforcements
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    British victories in the South

    Their biggest win in this war was the win in getting the land of charles Town south carolina
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    British surrender at Yorktown

    On a night in september 17,000 men from french and american armies had gathered at the british peninsula and started bombarding them day and in the night as well.
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    Treaty of Paris

    This treaty made the U.S. independence and set the boundaries of the new Nation whihc extended from the atlantic ocean to the mississippi river