American Revolution by Alex and Hayden

  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    Colonists Attacked the British troops in Lexington but were defeated. Paul Revere left and warned the Colonists in Concord that the British were about to attack. Thanks to his efforts the Colonists were ready and defeated the British.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Colonists had an uphill advantage and were destroying the British, but ran out of supplies and were forced to retreat. It is said if the Colonists had proper supplies they couldve ended the entire war in that battle.
  • Assault on Quebec

    Assault on Quebec
    Colonists attacked British Qubec from two fronts, but lacked enough men and supplies to take the heavily fortified city.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Declaration that announced the 13 American colonies were no longer a part of the British Empire and were an independent country.
  • Battle of Ticonderoga

    Battle of Ticonderoga
    As Burgoyne was moving south, Fort Ticonderoga stood in his way. He had 10,000 men and the fort had 3,500 men, but the colonists were confident they could hold the fort. THe only way the would be deafeated is if the Britiah occupied Sugar Loaf Mountain,but the Colonists though the british could not get cannons to the peak of the mountain. They were wrong and the British defeated them with powerful cannon fire.
  • Seige of Fort Stawnix

    Seige of Fort Stawnix
    Burgoyne moved south from Canada with his men and another British foce of 2,000. THe British forces surrounded the fort and ambushed troops relieving the fort. Benedict Arnold tried to put together men to relieve the fort but only found 100 men, so he sent men to spread rumors that Arnold was comin with a giant force. The British believed the story and deserted the fort back to Canada
  • Battles of Saratoga

    Battles of Saratoga
    British General Burgoyne had 7,000 men left when he crossed the Hudson river near the town of Saratoga. General Horatio was waiting with his 10,000 colonists. The British attacked twice but were defeated both times. The British retreated to the town of Saratoga where they surrendered to the colonists.
  • Yorktown

    This was the end of armed conflict in America. British General Cornwallis had 1,500men and was easily defeated by 8,00 colonists.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Treaty of Paris 1783
    Peace negotiations began in late 1782 towards the end of the war. The Treaty was signed in Paris at the Hotel d'York by: Adams, Franklin, Jay, and Hartley.