Thomas Jefferson Writing the DOI
The Continental Congress apointed Jefferson to a five person committee for writing the Declaration of Independence, writing most of it during June and July. He wrote a statement about the colonists rights to rebel against the British and that they have the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. -
Battle of Trenton
Washington planned a surprise attack on the British. The Americans were camped in Pennslyvania across the Delaware River and British's camp was in New Jersey on the other side of the river. On Christmas night, Washington led an army of 2,400 across the river to Trenton to surprise Britain the next day. They had a stunning victory. -
Battle of Saratoga
Occuring in September and October, the Battle of Saratoga included two major battles, Freeman Farms and Battle of Bemis Heights that helped the Continental Army to victory. The Battle of Freeman's Farms took place on Loyalist John Freeman's farm near Saratoga, New York and lasted for hours. The Battle of Bemis Heights took place in Bemis Heights, south of Saratoga. The British ended up surendering when the Americans forced them by surrounding the British's army. -
State Constitutions
The Congress urged the colonies to establish state constitutions and officially take the power away from the royal governors. Every state got to choose their rules and what people were the higher authority in that state. -
Articles of Confederation
This and the Perpetual Union was the first written constituition in the United States. It named the new nation The United States of America. Congress had authority to make treaties an alliances. Although, Congress was not strong enough to raise taxes and or make laws which was difficult to pay off debts after the Revolutionary War. -
Howe Captured Philadelphia
Howe won battles in Brandywine and Paoli, that are nearby Philadelphia and his troops captured Philadelphia causing the Continental Congress to flee. Winter was here and Howe decided to stay in Philadelphia rather than going back to Albany. -
Winter at Valley Forge
General George Washington moved his Continental Army to Valley Forge for the winter. The soldiers were cold, hungry, and tired. 12,000 soldiers camped at Valley Forge including a small number of African American and Native American soldiers. Some of the officers' families also stayed there as well. Washington pleaded with the Continental Congress to send food and supplies for his army who were suffering of starvation and diseases. About 2,000 soldiers died. -
Congress Prohibites Enslaved People Imported in the US
Congress excluded blacks from enlisting in the war , but that changed when Lord Dunmore promised freedom to slaves who enlisted in the British Army. In 1778, many states allowed slaves to be free if they served in the Revolutionary War. During the Revolutionary War America stopped their involvement in the African Slave Trade and the Act of Importion of Slaves happened later on in 1808. -
Spain Declares War on Great Britain
Spain declared war on Britain in 1779. They also helped the Americans out when Bernardo de Gálvez, Louisiana governor, shipped tons of supplies and ammunition up the Mississippi River to American Troops in Northwest Territory. With this help from Spain, George Rogers Clark captured key posts of Kaskaskia and Vincennes. Gálvez trained an army to fight the British and forced them out of the Gulf of Mexico region. -
John Paul Jones & Serapis
John Paul Jones was a daring American Naval Officer who raided British ports. Jones' ship, Bonhomme Richard met Britain's warship, Serapis. They fought for hours and when asked if he wanted to surender, Jones said "I have not yet begun to fight". Eventually the British surrendered making John Paul Jones a hero to the Patriots. -
British Captures Charles Town
Clinton led an attack on South Carolina in 1780. He led a second attack in May and the Americans surrendered. Britain took many prisoners leaving the Americans with a tough defeat. Clinton returned to New York after his victory. -
British Surrendering at Yorktown
Washinton and Rochambeau, a french commander teamed up to fight against the British. Washington had a plan to attack at Yorktown rather than in New York, like the British throught the Patriots were going to do. His plan worked and there were 14,000 American soldiers compared to Cornwallis' 8,000. American and French forces created a sledge which blocked the British's supplies and escape route. The British surrendered when Alexander Hamilton led an attack that captured key British defences. -
Treaty of Paris
Both the Americans and Britains sent delegates to Paris to sign a treaty. Representing the United States were Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. The American Congress ratified the first draft of the treaty on April 1783 the final draft of the Treaty of Paris was officially signed on September 3, 1783.