american revolution

By aidone
  • the french and indian war begins

    britan and its allies fought french and indian allies over control of the ohio river valley
  • albany plan of union

    represeniteves from the colonies met in albany to discuss how to fight france
  • stamp act

    taxed anything printed on paper
  • french and indian war ended

  • pontiac indians fight british in ohio valley

  • proclamation of 1763 said that colinistscould not settele west of the appaltion moutains

  • sugar act

    britishtax in sugar coffe cloth to pay for the war
  • stamp act repaled

    stamp act repaled
  • stamp act congress

    traded any thing on paper
  • townsehead act taxed tea and other things

    townshead act taxes on tea,glass,lead,paints and papper
  • boston massacare

    riot at boston customs has shots fired 5 colonists died
  • tea tax

    retained tax on tea
  • boston tea party

    patriots disguised as indians dump crayes of te into the boston harbor as protest against tea tax
  • intoleable acts

    several laws that were punidhment for the boston tea party. one of the laws was the quartering act which required people to house soldiers in their home
  • battle at lexington and concord

    british army moves towardconcord to seize wearonsand ammunition. shots fired at lexington and colonists killed.
  • second continental congeress

    delegates met to prepare forwar; created new army;choose george washington as commander
  • first continential congress

    delagates from the 13 colonies met in philidelpia. wrote a letter to king george asking him to stop taxing the colonists without their agreement and to reapeal the intolerable acts.
  • continential congress declared

    richard lee officaly asks the continentian congress to declare independence
  • congress votes for independence

    the continential congress votes that the colonists were free and indipendent states
  • decloation of independence

    the delegates accept the decleration of independence
  • Declaration offical

    colonies had sighned and approved the decloration of independence
  • battle of long island

    british defeat continential island
  • battle of trenton

    new jersy supprise attack on christmas day by washington patriots victory
  • general von steuben teaches the army to be better soldiers

  • battle of sartoga

    british attack from canada
  • valley forge

  • battle at savanah gerorgia

    the british tried to conquer the colonist rebellion
  • battle at charleston

    british had another victory
  • battle at cowpens

    battle at cowpens
    the conntinental army had a victory
  • battle at nintey six

    battle at nintey six
    the battle was nintey six miles apart
  • battle of yorktown

    cornwallis surrenders to the americans
  • treaty of paris

    the us gained more land