governments(articles of confederation and constitution)

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    constitutional convention

    Benjamin,Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison are the most important people and James Madison was the author
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    the great comprimise

    the new jersey plan was a plan on how american is governed
    the virginia plan was a pro[asal
    the great comprimise was an agrent
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    3/5 comprimise

    this was a compromise that every slave counted as 3/5 citizen
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    federalist paper

    alexander hamilton,james madison,and john jay
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    goege washingtons presidency

    he set up the president cabinets
  • `whiskeey rebellion

    a protest to first tax the thatg was placed water after the constitution was the written
    president george washington with his military
  • pickneys treaty

    aa treaty signed whith soain allow the us trade in new orlens
  • washington farewell adress

    staying nuetral in firoreigon allience
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    john Adams presidency

    first president who claim a political party
    he was a federalist party(strong central government)
    he passed aliens sedition acts which allowed central government to imprison you if you were a foreign country
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    Thomas Jefferson presidency

    he was a leader of the democratic republic party(state rights)
    he wrote the deceleration of independence
    he fought in the Barbary wars
  • Thomas Jefferson presidency

    Louisiana purchase and it doubled the size of the us
    and Jefferson bought it