American Revolution

  • Navigation Acts

    All ships from the colonies must trade via England and England registered ships
  • End of French and Indian War

    The ending to a war of the French and Indians
  • Stamp Act

    One of the earlier taxes placed on colonies, all documents must be taxed
  • Boston Massacre

    Americans Gunned down by red coats, one of the early acts of “war” between Britain and US
  • Tea Act

    Tax on all tea, making tea cheaper, but gave British a monopoly on the goods
  • Boston Tea Party

    Rebellion from British tax on Tea, Americans threw British tea into Boston harbor
  • Coercive Acts

    Acts setup by British to punish colonies for tea party
  • First Continental Congress

    One of the first gatherings regarding separation from the British
  • Lexington and Concord

    One of the early battles of the revolutionary war
  • Second Continental Congress

    The second meeting of many representatives of our country regarding Britain’s Tryranny.
  • Declaration of Independence

    U.S. declares its independence from Britain
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Key turning point in revolutionary war. Major win for Rebels
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Americans had to endure a harsh season of Winter with minimal supplies at Valley Forge
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Siege of Yorktown, marked the end of the last major battles to the revolutionary war
  • Writing of Constitution

    The date the U.S. constitution was written
  • U.S. Adopts Constitution

    United states adopts its constitution, one of the most important documents in history.