American Revolution

By MT2022
  • 2019 BCE

    Lexington and Concord of 1775.

    Shortly after the first contential congress, the Lexigton and Concord occured in Massachusetts. There were a lot of Skirmishes. The Americans won the battle even though the British attempted to destory the colonial aresnal. For this " Embarassing" loss by the British Soldiers, 200 of tem would be killed by Guerellias.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petiton was a final chance for the colonists to avoid going to war with Britian. This reason was because they got treated so horribly by them, they got treated terrible, they had high taxes that the British gave them so the colonists cannot afford it, and more. They did not wanna go to war with the Britians because of how angry they were at them and that was their colonial response.
  • Declaration of Independence, July 1776

    Thomas Jefferson writes the formal resolution to England called the Declaration Of Independence, that states why the colonists are taking the steps to become free of the British Crown, the Colonists are battling the British with this. Aka the Americans.
  • Battles of NY August 1776.

    After the British costly victory at Bunker Hill in 1775, British General William Howe decided a lethal blow needed to be delivered to the Patriot cause. Howe proposed to launch an attack on New York City using thousands of troops. He began mobilizing the massive fleet in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Meanwhile, American Commander-in-Chief George Washington had ordered General Charles Lee to prepare for the defense of the city. That June, Howe and 9,000 troops set sail for New York.
  • Washington's crossing December 1776

    General Washington planned an attack on the Hessians from three directions to be executed on December 26, 1776, the day after Christmas. As the Continental Army prepared to cross the Delaware River on their way to Trenton, sleet and snow had begun to fall, delaying the crossing. With great effort and difficulty, the army eventually crossed the river in Durham boats, and the horses and artillery were ferried across. Two men fell overboard during the crossing, but both survived.
  • Battle of Saratoga September 1777

    In 1777, British war generals devised a plan to bring a quick end to the war: They would effectively sever New England from the rest of the colonies by taking control of New York City, Albany, and the Hudson River.
  • Battle of Yorktown 1781

    of the city, but some soldiers remained at Fort Washington in Manhattan. Howe’s army chased Washington and the Continental Army into positions North of White Plains before returning to Manhattan. In Manhattan, Howe set his sights on Fort Washington the last Patriot stronghold.
    In the furious, three-pronged attack, the British forces easily took the fort, capturing nearly 3,000 American prisoners and at least 34 cannons in the process. Most of the prisoners were taken to filthy British place.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    After all the wars and the American Revolution ended, The Treaty of Paris of 1783 was signed, Negotations between the British and Americans Begin in Paris. America will be granted land. But must pay all debts to England, Freedom is garennteed by the Native Amieircans, This was an agreement after the war for whoever gets land and what not.
  • 1st Contential Congress 1774

    The First Contential congress was a meeting where 12 delegates from Britian met. This meeting was to solve the solution for the diffculties. This later led to the Lexigton and Concord in April 1775
  • Second Contential Congress of 1775.

    This was a little bit after the Lexington and Concord ended. People such as Benjamen Franklin, George Washington, were all involved in the second contential congress. They were thinking about and discussing about what they are going to do in this war against the side they were battling against.
  • Fort Ticnonorgia of May 1775.

    This was a battle led by Arnold, and Ethan Allen and his green mountian boys. They planned on leading the mission to win the battle and accquire Tagonora. On may 10th, 1775, Arnold, Allen, and 83 other soldiers raided Fort Tagnora. Dispite the dissapointment, Arnold and Allen would have weapons to help American causes and help them in war.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill June 1775.

    Battle of Bunker Hill was held in Boston. British would change colonial miltamen who are taking the high ground aroumd Boston Harbor, General William Hoe wins Breeds Hill, Six months later, British will be forced to abandonthe city of Boston after Colonial Henry Knox reinforced american troops with munitions from the raid of Fort Ticnorga.
  • Common sense, January 1776.

    Common Sense was written by Thomas Paine and states that independence is inevitable if the colonists are going to protect their rights from lyrannial goverment of England, He believes the Monarchy has abused it's power and that the colonies need a replican Goverment and unity, basically Thomas Paine is defending the colonists from Britian, and this is how some wars Begun.
  • Valley Forge December 1777

    During the 1700s and 1800s, major fighting during wars generally ceased for the winters and armies took up winter encampments. As winter descended upon Pennsylvania in 1777, General George Washington chose Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, some eighteen miles west of Philadelphia as the site for the winter encampment of the Continental Army. The area was far enough away from the British in Philadelphia to discourage surprise attacks and its location between high hills.