American Revolution

By Jonb17
  • Treatise of Tolerance

    Frusta bans Voltaire’s book which called for religious tolerance
  • Stamp Act Passed

    1st direct British tax on American Colonies organized by Prime Minister George Grenville
  • Punishment for Boston Tea Party

    King George III charges colonist in Boston with attempting to injure British commerce
  • Common Sense

    Pamphlet by Thomas Paine was written
  • Articles of Confederation

    Continental Congress officially adopts the Articles of Confederation. The 1st Constitution of the United States of America
  • Newburgh Conspiracy

    An emotional speech in Newburgh, NY, George Washington asks his officers not to support Newburgh conspiracy.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Arthur St. Clair is elected the 9th President of the Continental Congress under the articles of Confederation
  • Washington chosen President

    1st US electoral college chooses George Washington as Presidentand John Adam’s as VP.
  • 1st State of the Union

    First US President George Washington delivers the first state of the union address.