American Revolution

By Yms.xo
  • Battle Of Lexington

    Battle Of Lexington
    The Battle of Lexington was a very small fight. It is important because it's where the Revolutionary War began.
  • Battle of Concord

    Battle of Concord
    After the Americans fled from Lexington, the British marched to the city of Concord. They defeated the British troops at the North Bridge, giving the Americans renewed confidence.
  • Battle Of Bunker Hill

    Battle Of Bunker Hill
    The British defeated the Americans at the Battle of Bunker Hill in Massachusetts. The high price of victory at the Battle of Bunker Hill made the British realize that the war with the colonies would be long, tough and costly.
  • Battle Of Trenton

    Battle Of Trenton
    They had lost one battle after another and were forced to abandon New York City and retreat through New Jersey into Pennsylvania.The Americans attacked the Hessian soldiers garrisoned in what was then the small town of Trenton New Jersey.
  • Battle Of New York

    Battle Of New York
    The Battle of Long Island was the largest battle of the Revolutionary War. The battle took place in the southwest portion of Long Island, New York.
  • Battle of Philadelphia

    Battle of Philadelphia
    Took place in Germantown.The battle was a decisive victory for the British.
  • Battle Of Saratoga

    Battle Of Saratoga
    George Washington declared a day of Thanksgiving on December 18, 1777 to celebrate the victory over the British at Saratoga. The surrender at Saratoga was the most important events of the war
  • Battle Of Valley Forge

    Battle Of Valley Forge
    Valley Forge. Valley Forge was where the American Continental Army made camp during the winter of 1777-1778.The conditions that the soldiers had to endure at Valley Forge were horrible beacuse they had to deal with cold, wet, and snowy weather.
  • Battle Of Marquis De Lafayette

    Battle Of Marquis De Lafayette
    Lafayette was only 19 years old and without combat experience when he arrived in America. He was shot in the leg during his first battle.
  • Battle Of Yorktown

    Battle Of Yorktown
    The battle pitted General George Washington, aided by French General de Rochambeau, against British General Lord Cornwallis. The defeat of the British at Yorktown prompted the British government to negotiate an end to the American Revolution and give the colonist their freedom.
  • Battle Of The Treaty Of Paris

    Battle Of The Treaty Of Paris
    The treaty was negotiated in the city of Paris, France. There were also treaties that involved other nations involved in the war such as France, the Dutch Republic, and Spain.