american revolution

By owen d
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    the parliament passed an act on taxing on all non essentials. the colonists however did not have enough money so the boycotted all imported goods.
  • bosten massacure

    bosten massacure
    protesters where rallying at the customs house. then the British 29th regiment came to protect the guard. when the protesters kept antagonizing the guards the shot and killed 3 people.
  • bosten tea party

    bosten tea party
    when the British taxed non needed goods the colonists got angry and dumped tea of a British merchant boat into the water.
  • lexington and concord

    lexington and concord
    the British and colonists meet to stop the advance and to take the guns of the colonists. the colonists run to concord but then hold off the British
  • bunker hill

    bunker hill
    American troops that occupied bunker hill where attacked by the British. the British came I three waves the first and second failed but the colonists ran out of ammo when the third wave came.
  • declaration of independance

    declaration of independance
    the document that gave the us independence from great Britain.
  • common sense

    common sense
    the most popular pamphlet in America at the time. by Tomas Paine
  • battle of trenton and princeton

    battle of trenton and princeton
    The Battle of Trenton took place on December 26, 1776, after Washington’s famous crossing of the Delaware at night to surprise a Hessian garrison which had been holding Trenton for the British.
  • battle of saratoga

    battle of saratoga
    the colonists meet in Saratoga to fight the British. there was 2 battles 18 days apart. it was a turning point for the Americans with their victory.
  • war in the south

    war in the south
    the British under general Cornwall makes a stand in Virginia and other parts of the south.
  • battle of york town

    battle of york town
    Cornwallis army is making an escape by sea but needs time to prepare. meanwhile the French is trying to block their escape along with the continental moving in from New York and surrounding with all supply lines cut off the Americans win.