American revolution hero

American Revolution

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    George and Martha Washington

    George was born in the year 1732 and died in 1799. He was the general for the Revolutionary War, he led America to victory. He became the first U.S President and paved the way for all presidents. Marhta was born in the year 1731 and died in 1802. She was the first lady of the U.S. She was wed twice once to Daniel Parke Custis, and to George. She had two children Jacky and Patsy.
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    John and Abigail Adams

    John and Abigail Adams were some important people in the pursuit of American independence. John Adams helped negotiate the treaty of Paris which ended the war. He was also the 2nd U.S president. His wife Abigail Adams was the wife and mother of 2 U.S presidents. She also helped establish female rights and abolish slavery.
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    Paul Revere

    Paul Revere was an American silversmith and a patriot. He was very important because of his midnight ride, a ride that warned the colonist of an incoming British attack.
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    John Hancock

    John Hancock was one of the most important people during the American revolution. He singed the Declaration of Independence, and he was the president of the second continental congress. He used welts to help the American independence.
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    Benedict Arnold

    Benedict Arnold was most known for his switching sides from the continental army to the British. During the conflict of 1780, Benedict Arnold betrayed the continental army.
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    Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was a very important person during the American revolution . He was the author of the Declaration of Independence.
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    French Indian War

    The French Indian war, also known as the seven-year war. The war was a result of the French pushing past the Ohio river which caused complications with the colonies claims which led to the British declaring war.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    After the French Indian war, King George III began to tighten control over the colonies by making the land west of the Appalachian Mountains of limits to the colonist.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a deadly riot that resulted in the death of several people. The riot was caused by British troops trying to enforce the tax laws. The colonist did not like this, so they rebelled.
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    The Boston Tea party was a political riot. The Boston Tea party happened on December 16, 1773, where colonists dressed up as Native Americans and hopped on one of the import ships, and dumped a whole lot of tea into the harbor.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    The first continental congress took place in Philadelphia in 1774. 13 delegates from the 13 colonies(besides Georgia) met to organize resistance for the British parliament acts.
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    The Minutemen were a group of people that fought in the Revolutionary War. A militia was very different from the Minutemen. The Minutemen were handpicked soldiers. They were elite trained and were always the first to battle or to await battle. They were strong resilient, and always picked under the age of 25.
  • Hessian's

    Hessian's are hired German solders. Hessian's were used in the Revolutionary War to help fight the colonist.
  • "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" speech

    The "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" speech was delivered by Patrick Henry. It was one of the many events that led to the Revolutionary War.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    Just like the first congress, the second one had all 13 colonies. The Second Continental Congress was held after the launch of the Revolutionary War in 1775.
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    The French Alliance

    The French Alliance was an alliance between the colonies and the french. It was an alliance that proved very useful during the Revolutionary War.
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    The battles of Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, Saratoga, and Yorktown

    The battles of Lexington(1775) and Concord(1775), bunker hill(1775), Saratoga(1777), and Yorktown(1781), were the major battles of the Revolutionary War. The battle of Lexington and Concord came first. This battle was very important because it was the first battle of the war and America won. The battle of Bunker Hill came second, it was a battle they lost. There were two battles of Saratoga they won both. The battle of Yorktown was the last major battle, and it was the battle that won the war.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was a key part of making America. It was a document of our natural rights and it ended the war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was what officially ended the Revolutionary War. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay negotiated a peace treaty with the British. The British recognizing American independence ceded their territory which in turn allowed expansion for the new United States.
  • U.S Constitution Signed

    In 1787 the U.S constitution was signed. The U.S constitution was signed by 9 out of the 13 colonies. The U.S constitution has all of our rights and amendments in it.