Causes of the American Revolution

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War gave Great Britain a lot of territory in America. The colonists were excited about the War. If Britain won they thought that they would gain land and be able to move out west. They were happy and excited because they thought they were going to get to move out west.
  • French and Indian War Ends

    French and Indian War Ends
    The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1763, which ended the French and Indian War.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 stopped colonists from moving westward. Britain didn't want the indians rebelling and they couldn't send troops out and kick them off their land because they didn't have any money from the French and Indian War. The colonists didn't like this. They wondered why they even fought if they weren't going to explore the land. Some colonists didn't obey to the proclamation. Daniel Boone is one explorer who crossed
    the Proclamation Line and traveled west.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Pontiac's Rebellion
    Pontiac's Rebellion was when the Native Americans joined forces against the British colonies. Pontiac was the leader and he got almost every indin tribe to join the Ottawa tribe. Pontiac's plan was to seize the nearest forts and to join forces to wipe out the settlements. The colonists were scared by this rebellion. Hundreds of colonists were killed or captured. This caused British government to modify and change policies that caused this rebellion.
  • The American Revenue Act (Sugar Act)

    The Sugar Act lowered foregin-made molasses, trying to reduce the amount of smuggling into the country. The act also made it so the colonies could export many things they just had to pass through British ports first. It caused alot of confusing paperwork having to be done before the shipments could become legal. Many of the colonists didn't like the act and opposed it but, nobody took action because everything was disorganized and
    they would have a hard time winning against Parliament.
  • Currency Act

    In the colonies there was a shortage of currency. The only way they could gain curency was to trade with Britain. At this point they were not happy with Britain and didn't want to be trading with them. They started printing and creating their own money. Parliament didn't want them doing that and passed the Currency Act. The Currency Act gave Britain control over the colonists currency. The colonists didn't like this because they wanted control. They didn't like Britain controlling them.
  • Stamp Act

    This act taxed all printed paper that the American colonies used. The money that was made from the tax was used to pay for Britsh troops protecting the American fronteir. The colonists were rioting and boycotting the Britsh ships. They didn't want the paper that was taxed. They started coming together and showing unity. They came together to make deceisions. They send a letter to Parliament. They gathered in Stamp Act Congress.
  • Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act required the British soliders were to stay in housing and buildings provided by the American colonies. If there was not enough room they would also stay in houses and barns. The colonists were mad that they had to stay there. They rather have them ask and give their consent then have them just barge in.
  • Declartory Act

    Parliment repealed the Stamp Act. They repealed the Stamp Act because the colonists were getting angry. They then came up with the Declaratory Act. This act is to basically tell the colonists that they are under Britsh rule, and that British owns them in a way. The British were first happy because they were repealing the Stamp Act, and didn't read the fine print. One the colonists found out they didn't like it and came to the sense that Britian was abusing their power and in a way abusing them.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    This started with a patriot "mob" throwing things at the British soliders. The soliders faught back and many Patriots were killed. A town meeting was called to have Captain Presten put on trial for the Patriots he killed. John Adams was on the Britsh's side, which led to their release. Two of the Biritsh soilders were later found guilty of manslaughter. The Boston Massacre was an event that sparked the American Revolution.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was when the Sons of Liberty got on three Britsh ships and dumped 342 chests of tea overboard. This confirmed what Britian was thinking, that Boston was the core of the rebellion against Britian. The Coercive Acts were to punish the colonies, expecially Boston, for the tea party and the other acts of rebellion. The colonists were happy that they stood up to the British. They showed them they couldn't treat them like that, and they can't tax them unfairly.
  • Concord and Lexington Continue

    After the battle of Concord and Lexington the people who supported the Britsh were angry. The Sons of Liberty and groups like that were happy because they were on their way to gaining indpendence from Britain.
  • Battle of Lexington

    Hundreds of Britsh troops were actually on their way to Concord. They were stopped in Lexington because the colonists knew the planning of their attack and stopped them in Lexington. Paul Revere sounded the alarm and the town knew they were soming. The colonists were outnumberd, when the Britsh told them to retreat. The first shot was fired, and no one knows who fired first.
    When that was done, the British headed toward Concord.
  • Battle of Concord

    The British were moving towards Concord to search for guns and ammunition. They wanted to destroy the their supplies. When the British got to Concord they decided to burn what supplies they had found. The colonists ran to Concord's North Bridge and the British were there. The first shot was fired and the colonists fought back. This is known as the "shot heard around the world". The colonists proved they could stand up against any army. This caused other countries to fight for their independence.