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American Revolution

  • The French And Indian war

    The French And Indian war
    In North America the French And Indian war pitted the colonies of British America and against those of New France. The French and Indian War began over the specific issue of whether the upper Ohio River valley was a part of the British Empire, and therefore open for trade and settlement by Virginians and Pennsylvanians, or part of the French Empire
  • The Treaty Of Paris

    The Treaty Of Paris
    The Treaty Of Paris was signed by the kingdoms of Great Britain, France and span with Portugal in agreement after Great Britain’s victory over France and Spain during the seven years war. The signing of the treaty formally ended the seven years war. This then made Britain’s dominance even more powerful.
  • Britain Was In Debt

    Britain Was In Debt
    After the war this led the French And British in serious debt. So the British had a great idea to tax the colonist to gain back the money. Some of them are known as the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and many more
  • War And Peace

    The American revolution was a war against Great Britain to make America its own nation. The continental army was made of militias throughout the colonies. The leader of the continental army was George Washington who later became the first president of United States. They also gave military aid from France. Like money and military troops in Naval support
  • The Declaration Of Independence

    This was written by Thomas Jefferson declaring that America was its own nation apart from England
  • The constitution

    The constitution Made many ideas of having a very strong government which American needed at the time. They decided to have a democracy. Where someone is elected to be The leader/president of the nation. The constitution revealed new types of branches the judicial, executive, and legislative branches