American Revolution

  • 10 February: Signing of the Treaty of Paris

    Ending the Seven Year’s War, also known as the French and Indian War in North America. France ceded all mainland North American territories, except New Orleans, in order to retain her Caribbean sugar islands. Britain gained all territory east of the Mississippi River; Spain kept territory west of the Mississippi, but exchanged East and West Florida for Cuba.
  • 5 April: Sugar Act

    The first attempt to finance the defence of the colonies by the British Government. In order to deter smuggling and to encourage the production of British rum, taxes on molasses were dropped; a levy was placed on foreign Madeira wine and colonial exports of iron, lumber and other goods had to pass first through Britain and British customs. These measures led to widespread protest.
  • 22 March: Stamp Act

    Seeking to defray some of the costs of garrisoning the colonies, Parliament required all legal documents, newspapers and pamphlets required to use watermarked, or 'stamped' paper on which a levy was placed.
  • 1 October: British troops arrive in Boston in response to political unrest

  • 5 March: Boston Massacre

    Angered by the presence of troops and Britain's colonial policy, a crowd began harassing a group of soldiers guarding the customs house; a soldier was knocked down by a snowball and discharged his musket, sparking a volley into the crowd which kills five civilians.
  • 10 May: Tea Act

    In an effort to support the ailing East India Company, Parliament exempted its tea from import duties and allowed the Company to sell its tea directly to the colonies. Americans resented what they saw as an indirect tax subsidising a British company.
  • 16 December: Boston Tea Party

    Angered by the Tea Acts, American patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians dump £9,000 of East India Company tea into the Boston harbour.
  • May to June: Intolerable Acts

    Four measures which stripped Massachusetts of self-government and judicial independence following the Boston Tea Party. The colonies responded with a general boycott of British goods.
  • 19 April: Battles of Lexington and Concord

    First engagements of the Revolutionary War between British troops and the Minutemen, who had been warned of the attack by Paul Revere.
  • 16 June: Continental Congress appoints George Washington commander-in-chief of Continental Army

  • 5 July: Olive-Brach Petition

    Congress endorses a proposal asking for recognition of American rights, the ending of the Intolerable Acts in exchange for a cease fire. George III rejected the proposal and on 23 August 1775 declared the colonies to be in open rebellion.
  • August - December: Battles of Long Island and White Plains British forces occupy New York after American defeats.

  • 4 July: Continental Congress issues the Declaration of Independence

  • 13 October: British surrender of 5,700 troops at Saratoga13 October: British surrender of 5,700 troops at Saratoga

    Lacking supplies, 5,700 British, German and loyalist forces under Major General John Burgoyne surrender to Major General Horatio Gates in a turning point in the Revolutionary War.
  • Shays’s Rebellion

    Massachusetts rebellion led by the Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays against high taxes.