The stamp act
The stamp act is when King George III became more UNpopular in America with every tax raised. “No taxation without representation!” -
The Boston Port Act
The Boston Port Act is when people closed the port of Boston until the tea that was lost during the Boston Tea Party was paid for. -
The Administration Of Justice Act
Stipulated that British officials accused of crimes were tried in England, as opposed to American trials. -
The Declaration Of Independence
The 2nd continental Congress adopts the declaration -
The battle of Saratoga
Colonists defeat Burgoyne’s British troops.
This was the turning point of the war! -
The battle of Yorktown
The Americans and the French trap General Cornwallis’s army in Yorktown Virginia -
Treaty of Paris
The treaty of Paris ended the American Revolution! -
Articles of confederation
Very strong state governments were Formed.
Very weak central governments were also created.
Led to weak and unstable governments.