While the britians marched to concord, there was an empty arsenal where most of them got slaughter by minutemen. That’s when colonist and britain became enemies. -
A battle that lasted only 15 minutes. 70 minutemen's on a green field, someone accidentally fired creating a battle between the british and colonist. -
Bunker Hill
British general Thomas Gage created a militiamen. 2400 british soldiers were sent up a hill, where again the colonist and the britains shot fired at each other and lost more men. -
New york
The british sailed into new york harbor wit 32,000 soldiers and tried to take hold of them -
Trenton had battle princeton -
Valley forge
Where paris and washington continental army without food and supplies fought to be in a camp at valley forge. -
The britians had surrender by the french and american troops at yorktown by late september -
The surrender of saratoga was one of the most important part of this war. As a result of this the french signed an alliance with the americans in february 1778 and joined them in their fight. -
Marquis De Lafayette
A military leader. In 1779 He solicit france for french reinforcements, with the help of this leader they became an effective fighting force. -
In 1781 The congress appointed a rich philadelphia merchant named robert as superintendent of finance. -
Treaty of paris
September 1783, The treaty of paris was signed, which established U.S independence and boundaries were set for the new nation.