american revolution

  • stamp act

    stamp act
    an act of the British parliament in 1765 that exacted revenue from the American colonists by imposing a stamp duty on newspapers and legal and commercial documents.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    the Boston massacre is about the British attacking the Americans in Boston the British had weapons but the Americans didn't have weapons so the Americans were helpless
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    is a raid on three British ships in Boston harbor (December 16,1773) in which Boston colonists,disguised as Indians,threw the contents of several hundred chests of tea into the harbor as a protest against British taxes on tea and against the monopoly granted the east India country.
  • Bunker (breeds) hill

    Bunker (breeds) hill
    is the first great battle of the Revolutionary war
  • Lexington/concord

    is the first battle fought in the Revolutionary war,fought in Massachusetts on April 19,1775.
  • common sense

    common sense
    is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775 to 1776 advocating independence from great Britain to people in the thirteen colonies.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    is the formal statement written by Thomas Jefferson declaring the freedom of the thirteen American colonies from great Britain.
  • battle at Trenton/Princeton

    battle at Trenton/Princeton
    were two related engagements of the American Revolutionary war.
  • battle of Saratoga

    battle of Saratoga
    a major battle of the Revolutionary war, fought in 1777 in northern new York sate
  • continental army wintering at valley forge

    continental army wintering at valley forge
    is where the american continental army spent the winter of 1777 to 1778 during the American Revolutionary war
  • war in the South/Charleston

    war in the South/Charleston
    the siege of Charleston was a major engagement fought between march 29 to may 12,1780 during the American Revolutionary war.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    is the last battle of the Revolutionary war, fought in 1781 near the seacoast of Virginia.